WINDOWS 95 MEMORY CONFIGURATION To help solve your current memory related problems with Windows'95 and your DOS based game please try the following procedure. Double-click on the DOS Prompt icon. Type, copy c:\config.sys c:\config.old copy c:\autoexec.bat c:\autoexec.old Now type, edit c:\config.sys Windows'95 handles all use of the soundcard, CD-ROM drive and mouse, therefore there is no need to load real-mode drivers for these unless Windows has no equivalent 32bit drivers for your hardware. Change the CONFIG.SYS file to read as follows. device=c:\windows\himem.sys device=c:\windows\emm386.exe ram i=e000-efff i=b000-b7ff dos=high,umb country=044,850,c:\windows\command\country.sys French users should change line 4 to read, country=033,850,c:\windows\command\country.sys German users should use, country=049,850,c:\windows\command\country.sys American users need not include this line. All other territories should check their Windows'95 manual for the correct country codes. Now select FILE then choose EXIT. Save the file on exit and then type, edit c:\autoexec.bat Change this file to read, @echo off prompt $p$g path=c:\windows;c:\windows\command;c:\ loadhigh c:\windows\command\keyb uk,,c:\windows\command\keyboard.sys French users should change line 4 to read, loadhigh c:\windows\command\keyb fr,,c:\windows\command\keyboard.sys German users should use the line, loadhigh c:\windows\command\keyb gr,,c:\windows\command\keyboard.sys American users need not include line 4. All other territories should check their Windows'95 manual for the correct keyboard language code. Now select FILE then choose EXIT. Save the file on exit. Now reboot the computer and run the game. IMPORTANT!!!! Please note: If you require special real-mode drivers to access your hard drive and/or CDROM drive, then please load these according to the existing lines in CONFIG.OLD and AUTOEXEC.OLD. MicroProse warn you that changing your startup files on the hard drive may not allow some programs/hardware to run and we would ask that you change these files at your own discretion. If you should encounter any problems rename the files CONFIG.OLD and AUTOEXEC.OLD as CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT to restore the original configuration.