********************* * * * Tropico * * History File * * * ********************* *** NOTE *** If you have already installed the Tropico : Paradise Island expansion pack, do NOT install this patch. If you do this accidentally, then uninstall the expansion and re-install it. If you install this patch and install the expansion pack afterwards, that's completely fine. ************ ------------------------- Version 1.07 - 9 January 2002 ------------------------- * Fixed a problem introduced in version 1.06, whereby the date-stamp on the patched TROPICO.EXE confused the installer for the Paradise Island expansion and would prevent Paradise Island from installing correctly. For version 1.07 (and any future patches we may release), the date on the patched TROPICO.EXE will artificially be set back to 11/01/01, to avoid this problem. * Resolved a minor bug that was largely cosmetic whereby dead bodies would occasionally stay on the map forever (they should now always disappear within a few months) * One component of Tropico's internal event system (GroupVariables) was not being saved correctly if you saved a scenario which used them (2 or 3 of the original Tropico scenarios used these, plus some user scenarios). Worst case, this would have caused some event related behaviour to reset itself when you loaded a scenario already in progress. This bug has now been fixed. ------------------------- Version 1.06 - 31 December 2001 ------------------------- * Fixed a rare crash bug in software mode. (The bug would manifest itself in several ways, including an occasional crash when the game would end and switch to the final win or lose video.) ------------------------- Version 1.05 - 30 October 2001 ------------------------- * Fixed a problem where some graphics would have thin lines or cracks in them in hardware mode on NVidia cards (especially GeForce cards). This had been a minor issue before but had gotten worse under Windows XP. It is now resolved. ------------------------- Version 1.04 - 3 August 2001 ------------------------- * A very minor patch - fixes a problem inadvertantly introduced in version 1.03 whereby in hardware mode, with the game paused, there was a memory leak. * Also fixes one other very obscure crash bug that would only appear in software mode. ------------------------- Version 1.03 - 17 July 2001 ------------------------- * Greatly enhanced the capabilities of the editor (and made the game able to use those enhancements). All new maps put out by PopTop will require the 1.03 version of Tropico to run or even be visible in the map load screen. Look for news of new map releases on www.poptop.com - we hope to release several new maps over the next few weeks. The 1.03 version of Tropico can load all saved games and maps created with earlier versions of Tropico. However, saved games and maps created with the 1.03 version of Tropico CAN NOT be loaded by earlier versions. For further information on the 1.03 editor changes, please get the latest version of the Tropico editor files (tedit103) * Fixed a clipping problem with the 'Reduced Graphics Shifting' option (which is primarily intended for Voodoo 3 and PowerVR based video cards.) * Fixed city renaming - you should now be able to consistently click on a city to rename it. ------------------------- Version 1.02B - 4 June 2001 ------------------------- * Cleaned up the french translation of the game. * Fixed one very rare crash bug ------------------------- Version 1.02 - 9 May 2001 ------------------------- * Enabled editor (for full instructions, as well as two necessary utilities, please check out out the tropico editor file, which should be available on-line as tedit102.exe) * Added programmable hot keys for quick jumps to map locations, people, and almanac pages, as follows... The number keys on the keyboard (0 through 9) can be programmed. If viewing an almanac page, hold down 3 to set the number 3 as a hot key for that page. Then, to return to that almanac page, press 3 (without or ) at any time. To set a hotkey to a unit or building, select that unit or building, then program the key by holding down and pressing the number (i.e. 3). To set a map location hot key, do the same thing without any unit or building selected. In all of these cases, press the same number (without or ) at any time to jump back to them. * Airports should now be built about 35% faster (including ground clearing, etc.) Other large buildings should now be built about 10% faster... * If the world bank forces low wages on you, the prior wages will now be remembered and restored, if and when the wage restrictions are lifted, PROVIDED that you haven't changed the building's wages yourself in the meantime. * Fishing wharfs can no longer be placed in such a way as to trap the resulting fishing boats. * Cleaned up a few obscure crash bugs Troubleshooting notes (supplemental to those in the original readme file): If you have a Voodoo 3 based card - please make sure you have the latest/final version of the 3DFX drivers - early driver versions can cause various artifacts in hardware mode. 3DFX drivers can be found at www.3dfx.com If you have stability problems - all of the following can be possible solutions: 1) Try not to run any other programs in the background - close all other programs before starting Tropico. Avoid task-switching (ALT-TAB) out of Tropico. 2) Make sure you have up to date video and sound card drivers 3) Certain sound cards (Soundblaster Live) have hardware acceleration. It has been reported that this sometimes causes instability or can increase sound related problems. If your sound stutters or you experience instability, try disabling hardware acceleration on your sound card (if you have it). Remember, there are a wide variety of graphics options available in the settings menu (press in the game world), including the ability to change resolutions, enable hardware acceleration, change the amount of graphic detail etc. If performance is slow on your machine, consider running at a lower resolution, turning down the level of graphics detail, and/or otherwise adjusting these settings. ------------------------- Version 1.01 - 1 May 2001 ------------------------- MAJOR CHANGES * Replaced original copy protection system with simpler system that should resolve all issues relating to copy protection errors at game startup (Unable to find CD-ROM messages, blue-screen Windows errors, long startup times). * Fixed two bugs that could in rare instances corrupt saved games - saved games from 1.00 version that were unstable should be stable now. MINOR CHANGES * Added 'O' hotkey to jump to your election opponent (only if election is underway, of course...) * Added one more character to the credits animation (drunken teamster) * Fixed bug where roads could be laid in oceans * Disabled 'F' hotkey (an artifact of the editor)