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Welcome in the world of 3dTIS. This is what our 3dTIS render engine can do.

This is a preview of a new wonderfull game by Black Blade software design.

Here is a sample of the realism that our 3dTIS can reach. 3dTIS is able to draw realistic landscapes with a much higher definitions than classic, slow and bad, A500-like vectorial graphics.

The Shadow of the Third Moon will be available since half November 1997

See also:

Titan Computer

Click on a picture to receive the full sized image.

D E M O V E R S I O N !

Shadow_main.lha Main archive
Shadow_italian.lha Data archive for italian users
Shadow_english.lha Data archive for english users
Shadow_german.lha Data archive for german users
Shadow_tuneup1.lha Fix #1


TSotTM is an HiEnd flight simulator, a bit like Comanche v.x for Pc systems. We write it with playability in mind. Fighting is always fast and furious... fun! Furthermore stunning raytraced graphics and 49 minutes of music make TSotTM one the the best games for Amiga. Audiotracks by The SoundWavers.

System requirements:

  • Minimum: 680Ec30/25 + 1MB Chip + 4MB Fast RAM + AGA or graphic card
  • Racommended: 68030/50 + 1MB Chip + 8MB Fast RAM + AGA
  • For high-performance: 68040/40 + 8Mb or more of local Fast RAM + graphic card
  • CDRom drive 2x (300kb/s) (4x recommended)
  • Amiga OS 3.x (v39+)

Supported graphic modes :

  • AGA (320x240x256, 640x480x256), using display database
  • Chunky to planar conversion algorithms optimized for 68030, 68030+, 68040 and 68060
  • CyberGraphX support (Chunky8)
  • Generic RTG is also available to support any other graphics card. (PicassoXX, Retina, Merlin, etc...)

Performance (High detail setting - 320x240x256 - pixel 1x1):

  • ~5.5 fps - 68030/25 (A4000/Ec030 - AGA - C2P 68030)
  • ~10 fps - 68030/50 (A1200/Bliz50 or A4000/A3640 - AGA - C2P 68030+)
  • ~12 fps - 68040/25 (A4000/A3640 - CyberGraphX)
  • 25-50 fps - 68060/50 (A4000/Cy060 - CyberGraphX or C2P 68060)
  • 16-25 fps - PowerUp 4000 060/PPC604 (IPISA - C2P 68060)

Note: the game is perfectly playable stating from ~6fps. I found that more than 16fps are useless, you can limit the framerate to give more time to other tasks. If you have a slow Amiga you can set a variety of parameters to adatp the game for your system. TSotTM runs on full multitasking.


  • 11 High quality CDDA audio tracks - 16bit 44.1 Khz
  • SFX - 8bit stereo
  • Perhaps a future implementation of AHI.device


  • Full-sized CDRom (680MB).


  • Real time landscape rendering performed by 3dTIS algorithms (© Black Blade software design - Italy 1995-97)
  • Fog effect.
  • Semi-transparent smoke.
  • Raytraced bitmap objects are printed using the VecBitmap method (© Black Blade software design - Italia 1995-97) to add good realism to the speed of fixed bitmap objects.
  • The flight simulator supports only 320x240 resolution (pixel 1x1 and 256 colours) and any video mode: Multiscan, PAL, DBLPal (AGA), graphic cards.
  • Briefing, arming, etc, uses a 640x480x256 colours screen.
  • Ray-traced static graphics.
  • Graphic objects VecBitmap (© Black Blade software design - Italy 1995-97):
    • normal (4MB fast RAM)
    • extended (8MB fast RAM)
  • Elevation-mapped landscapes (15km x 15km virtual size)
  • Particle explosions
  • Photorealistic cloudy sky


  • Digital joystick + keyboard
  • Mouse + keyboard
  • Perhaps a future implementation of the TCP/IP gameplay


  • Missions linked, sequential storyline
  • Fun and amazingly realistic
  • Dynamic adventure storyline
  • Improved enemy AI


The game must be partially installed on your harddisk because it isn't possible to read the CDROM when an audiotrack is playing. Of course you can even install the whole game on HD to speed up loadings. A confortable GUI is provided to make configuration very easy.
The PowerUp card we have used was quite slower than CyberStorm MK-I. I think because it was only a prototype, intended to be used for developing purposes only.
VGA cards have a 18bit palette in 256 colours modes, since AGA has 24bit one. So the quality of graphics is quite lower on gfx card compared to the AGA. Anyway VGA can give you a higher framerate.

Black Blade software design - Copyright © 1995-97 All rights reserved


Francesco Leonardi - design, GFX development, tech staff

Giuliano Pochini - code, 3dTIS development, tech staff