Team Amiga Application Form

To get more information about the Team Amiga email

Gary Peake


In the FidoNet AMIGA echo, we've started our own "kick in the pants"
response to the PC's TEAM OS/2. It's taking off like wildfire! We'd like
to extend the invite to every Amiga devotee, everywhere! We have
hundreds of members from countries worldwide and from Fido, Internet and
the on-line services.

It's FREE! There are NO dues! There are NO rules! There are NO officers!
There are NO idiots with a sense of pretentiousness! What we are is a bunch
of Amiga enthusiasts who are willing to support the user base, third party
Amiga developers, commercial Amiga companies, pd/shareware/commercial Amiga
programmers, and, of course, the Amiga's parent company. We enjoy our Amiga's
but we are not religious zealots!

To join, all you have to do is:

1)  Be an Amiga enthusiast willing to talk about the virtues of the Amiga to 
anyone and everyone you meet who is interested in computers.

2)  If you decide to join, fill out the application below and send it to me
to be added to the list. A database is being kept and will be forwarded to
the Amiga's parent company, should they decide to pick up the ball and 
run with it. This database may also be shared with Amig support
companies so that they have an up-to-date listing of Amiga users

One objective of *Team AMIGA* of course, is to get as many Amiga enthusiasts
worldwide to make a statement of support, but another objective, is to show
the Amiga's parent company how much of a mistake it would be to not adequately
support Amiga computer users and third party companies world-wide.

3)  Always acknowledge that *Rick Lembree* was the one who started all this!
Without Rick's solid dedication, enthusiasm, and determination to make Team
Amiga happen, none of this would have been possible. We miss you Rick!

4)  Know and understand that your stats will be in a database kept by me
(Gary Peake) and _not_ released to _anyone_ without general consensus
of the members. Team *AMIGA* reserves the right to release this
database to any *AMIGA* related company for the purpose of contacting
Team *AMIGA* members with specials on hardware, software or other
Amiga related products.

The only other thing we ask of you, is if you use the name in your on-line
signature, that you type it exactly as shown below:

                               Team *AMIGA*

The reason is for consistency, and for recognition. The official name
is Team *AMIGA*.

If you agree to all the above, just send in the following information:

(Important!   Please  use  this  template as is and with ALL necessary info
requested to facilitate database entry, ok? If replying from a Fido node,
don't assume that I will have your Fido address when doing the database!
INCLUDE IT in the template!  Thanks.  :)

Welcome To the Team Amiga Member Registration Form

Full Name:

Full Mail Address:


Phone Number:

Fido Address:

Inet Address:

What type of Amiga do you own?

Primary use of your Amiga:

Secondary use of your Amiga:

To submit your choices, press this button: .

To reset the form, press this button: .

Please note that even with the volume of mail I am receiving, I will
answer _every_ application submission personally, as time permits, to
your email address if you have one. 

Team Amiga is a living memorial to Rick Lembree, and his dream of the
full return of the Amiga platform to it's rightful place in the
computer world. - Skal Loret, Chief of Security, Team *AMIGA*