World-Wide Amiga Headlines

Voyager-NG WWW browser prerelease
News Date : 03 February, 1997
The next generation of Amiga Web browser has arrived.

This is a preliminary release which brings this fantastic new Web browser to the Amiga community and allows Voyager-NG to benefit from the largest testing base possible. With your help Voyager-NG can be rendered faultless on the largest possible range of Amiga set-ups.

Due to the above, Voyager is currently updated frequently.

To obtain the archive:
via WWW:
(put "SEND VOYAGER" in the mail body)

The full archive in LZX is 612 kbytes in size.

Updates will appear there regularly. Updates are also announced on the Voyager mailing list. If you are not on it yet, you are encouraged to subscribe. Mail to and put "ADD" in the body of the mail. Put "HELP" there to obtain a complete description on how to use the mail server. The mailing list is also a good place to discuss enhancement suggestions.

Major changes to Voyager since Version 1.0:

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