Mac/Power Mac Products


Acuris, Inc.
Artbeats Inc.


Acuris, Inc.
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Airworks Media
Aladdin Systems
Alien Skin Software
Artbeats Inc.

Acuris, Inc.

3D Graphics Software

�i�� ��� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
3D AcuWorlds 3D Objects with Bryce 2 SE CD Mac 34,600.-
3D VRML Visions CD 5,400.-
Mad Scientist Collection 2 CDs Gothic Horror and Lab Model CD Mac 9,700.-
Perfect People Lite 9 Human Models CD 21,600.-
Modern House Home Objects CD 21,600.-

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Storage Solution Products

�i�� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
PowerDomain 2940UW Ultra SCSI Accelerator P.Mac 48,800.-
PowerDomain 3940UW PCI Ultra SCSI Accelerator P.Mac 79,000.-

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Adobe Systems Incorporated

3D Graphics Software

�i�� ��� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
Dimensions 3 Create 3D Artwork 3.5 Mac 21,600.-

Advanced Graphics Software

�i�� ��� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
PageMaker 6.5 Page Layout CD Mac 96,700.-
Persuasion 4 Presentation CD Mac 42,900.-
PhotoDeluxe Image Processing CD Mac 11,800.-
Photoshop 4.0 Illustrator 7 Bundle CD Mac 156,700.-
Photoshop 4.0 Paint Image Prpcess CD Mac 78,500.-

Video Editing and Related Software

�i�� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
After Effects 3.1 Premiere 4.2 Bundle Edit Composite CD Mac 187,500.-
After Effects 3.1 Special Effects 3.5 Mac 88,400.-
Premiere 4.2 Video Editing CD Mac 69,500.-
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�i�� ��� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
ePhoto 307 Digital Camera 36 Images 640x480 Mac 32,400.-

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Airworks Media

Music and Midi Products

�i�� ��� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
Arpeggio Business Presentations with TuneBuilder CD Mac 45,500.-
Arpeggio Full Music Library with TuneBuilder CD Mac 111,900.-
Arpeggio Multimedia Suite with TuneBuilder CD Mac 45,500.-
TuneBuilder Music Editing Mac CD Mac 33,900.-

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Aladdin Systems

Utilities, Operating Systems, etc.

�i�� ��� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
Spring Cleaning 1 3.5 Mac 13,000.-

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Alien Skin Software

Advanced Graphics Software

�i�� ��� �}�� �n�r z���i(YEN)
Eye Candy 3 Filters for Photoshop CD P.Mac 21,600.-

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Artbeats, Inc.

3D Graphics Software

�i�� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
ReelExplosions 1 Explosions 30 TARGA Image Sequences CD 54,200.-
ReelFire 1 Pyrotechnics 30 TARGA Image Sequences CD 54,200.-

Video Editing and Related Software

�i�� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
ReelExplosions 1 Explosions 30 Quicktime Clips for Video CD 57,300.-
ReelFire 1 Pyrotechnics 30 Quicktime clips for Video CD 57,300.-
ReelTextures Backgrounds 40 Quicktime Clips for Video CD 40,100.-

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