DEC-Alpha Products


3D Graphics Software

Acuris, Inc.
Artbeats, Inc.
Blevins Enterprises, Inc.
Crestline Software Publishing
Dedicated Digital Imagery
Dynamic Realities
Graphic Detail, Inc.
Newtek Incorporated
One And Only Media
Precision Computer Graphics
Prem Subrahmanyam
Visual Inspirations

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Storage Solution Products
Constor Manufacturing, Inc.
Desktop Video Systems
Micropolis Corporation
SyQuest Technology
TEAC America, Inc.

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Graphics Accelerators
Diamond Multimedia
Dynamic Pictures, Inc.
Omnicop Graphics Corporation

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Utilities, Operating Systems, etc.
Dynamic Realities
International Software Engineering

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Video Editing and Related Software
Artbeats Inc.
Denim Software
Silicon Cine Pty Ltd.
Star Media Systems
Visual Inspirations

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Books, Magazines and Videotapes
Digital Animation Corporation
International Thomson Publishing Inc.
MacMillan Publishing USA
Rave Video

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Music and Midi Products
Antex Electronics Corporation
Creative Labs
Digital Audio Labs
DPS-Digital Processing Systems, Inc.
Sonic Foundry

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Advanced Graphics Software
Dedicated Digital Imagery
Micrografx, Inc.
Ron Scott Inc.

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