Amiga Products

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Graphic Detail, Inc.
International Thomson Publishing Inc.
MacMillan Publishing USA

Graphic Detail, Inc.

3D Graphics Software

�i�� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
Light Rom 4 3D Models CD Amiga 5,370.-
Light Rom 5 3D Models CD Amiga 6,230.-
Light Rom Gold LightWave 3D Models CD Amiga 3,960.-

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CPU Accelerators

�i�� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
GVP 530 Turbo 030/40+scsi w/1mb ram (upto+8mb) Amiga 49,000.-
GVP combo A2000 030/40+scsi w/4mb ram (upto 16mb��) Amiga 69,000.-
GVP T-rexx II A4000 060/50 Amiga 166,000.-
Tekmagic A2000 060/50+scsi Amiga 166,000.-

Music and Midi Products

�i�� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
GVP DSS8 plus Audio Digitizer 3.0 Amiga 15,900.-

Storage Solution Products

�i�� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
GVP 4mb 60ns proprietary simm Amiga 10,900.-
GVP 16mb 60ns proprietary simm Amiga 22,500.-
Tekmagic I/O Extender Amiga 19,400.-
Tekmagic A4008 scsi Controller Amiga 22,890.-

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Scanners and Printers

�i�� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
Digimax 3D Object Digitizer Amiga 125,000.-

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International Thomson Publishing Inc.

Books, Magazines and Videotapes

�i�� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
LightWave 3D 5 Character Animation f/x Book Amiga 8,900.-

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�i�� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
Amiganet Ethernet Card Amiga 49,800.-

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Iomega Corporation

Storage Solution Products

�i�� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
Zip Internal SCSI Drive 100MB with Cartridge Amiga 26,900.-
Zip 100 External SCSI Drive 100MB for PC and Mac Amiga 26,900.-
Jaz External SCSI Drive 1GB with Cartridge Amiga 71,900.-
Jaz Internal SCSI Drive 1GB with Cartridge Amiga 53,900.-

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3D Graphics Software

�i�� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
Dinosaurs ROM Objects for LightWave 3D, Imagine CD Amiga 26,800.-

Books, Magazines and Videotapes

�i�� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
F/X Kit for LighWave by Alan Chan Book Amiga 6,200.-
LightWavin' Magazine with CD-ROM Magazine 1,200.-
Photoreal FX In LightWave by Alan Chan Book 8,000.-
Power F/X Addendum to FX Kit for Lightwave Book 4,400.-

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MacMillan Publishing USA

Books, Magazines and Videotapes

�i�� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
LightWave Power Guide by Dan Ablan Book 4,400.-
This definitive guide to Lightwave includes Book 8,000.-

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Accessories, Cables, Supplies, etc.

�i�� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
Pro Jog Shuttle AV8R (Requires MEG-1012 or MEG-1013 Amiga 53,900.-
LANC Adapter for AV8R Pro Amiga 26,100.+
Adapter for AV8R Pro Amiga 16,100.-

Video Editing and Related Software

�i�� �}�� �n�r ���i(YEN)
AV8R Pro for Video Toaster Flyer 3.5 Amiga 62,900.-

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