Utter Nadness!


Well, well, well. Here it is, the last quarter of the year, and I am once again changing the design and philosophy of these pages. Why? Why not? If you have a problem with that, send mail to dev@null. Go ahead, I dare you!

So, what's changed? Less of a focus on me and my family, and more on things I find interesting. Specifically, I am adding way more information on astronomy, Calgary, and also showing off my artistic talents (which are not very good at all), using Photo Shop, Bryce 2, and other software.

What's New?

Hmmm... well, the summer project in Joffre is over, and I am happy to be back at home. I think the people at the Red Deer Lodge are not so happy, because I tipped them well. Hey, I wasn't paying, so why not? On the horizon lurk other travel opportunities in the new year, probably to all the smaller cities of Alberta, or maybe to some other provinces as well. The end result of the project, other than immense boredom at teaching the same course seventy or a hundred times is that I am now several thousand dollars richer. Of course, none of that money actually stayed around, I had to pay off debts, and go on a spending spree. What did I buy? A new computer! Yeah! It's an AMD K-6 200 MHz, 64 MB of RAM, Matrox Mystique video card, 6.4 GB hard drive, 1 GB Jaz drive backup, and a bunch of other goodies.

I only have one class left in my Microsloth, I mean Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer course. The class runs for five days at the beginning of November. After that, it's a matter of passing the exams, and then I can be an MCSE, and an MCT (MS Certified Trainer). Yippee! May it bring me many a monetary gain. Other than that, I can't say that too much has happened in the interim. I'll let you know when things change, OK? Good, I knew you would understand.


That's it. Go explore the rest of this site. Your comments are always welcome, unless I decide otherwise (what the heck does that mean?).

Since 20/12/96, 1619 souls have journeyed into utter Nadness

PS -- I am still in the process of revamping. This site will change over the next few weeks.

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