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Shadowhwk is Dale Schofield

Who Am I?

By trade I am a full time Biomedical Engineering Technologist (BMET), and work at Alberta Children's Hospital in Calgary, AB, Canada. A BMET does all sorts of medical device support work, including repair, education, training, preventative maintenance and research. It's an interesting job, but one does need their hobbies.

In that respect I'm a computer hobbiest who in recent years has taken an interest in 3D animation. I've been using an Amiga since 1985 and have been a Toaster owner/user since 1989 (yep, that's when the 0.91 beta Toasters first shipped). I also own or use Macintosh, IBM compatible, NextStep and UNIX based machines either as part of my work, or for personal interest.

Also over the last few years I have been involved in the local Amiga users group, AMUC, and acting as service technician to most of the local stores. I was a partner in a local Amiga only store that folded in Dec. 1994, and since then had been doing service out of my house. Recently I decided to do something for myself and registered my solely owned company of:

Animatrix Services
#68 3809 45 St. S.W.
Calgary, AB Canada
T3E 3H4
Ph. (403) 249-4299
Fax (403) 249-4559

This new company was created to help me promote my efforts as a computer consultant, computer repair technician and computer animator. Note that my computer animation skills are pretty poor, but I have done a few commercial animations for local companies.

TTYL. ---> Dale (Shadowhwk on IRC #lightwave, #amiga, #laserdisc)
|                                                                         |
|  schofie@spots.ab.ca                         Lightwave Hobbiest         |
|  Dale_Schofield@crha-health.ab.ca         Amiga 3000T w/35MHz '040      |
|  Dale Schofield 1:134/27               38MB RAM, Toaster, DPS TBC, etc  |

EMail Shadowhwk


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