Hello there!

Welcome to my strange and wonderful perspective on life....ah, well, we'll see, eh? This site is primarily setup for access to other sites. Eventually I'll be adding a resource for you computer users, or weenies, heh, heh, ;-).

You can also obtain Global Chat if you like from Quarterdeck. You can then email me to setup a time when, perhaps, you would like to get together on a channel. My usual NICK is "RandyMan". See ya there maybe. If you already have your own IRC Client software you can log into the irc.quarterdeck.com and let me know when you want to chat and I might be there.
So, without further ado, please select from one of the launching points below:
[Cool Sites - Graphical] [Cool Sites - Text]

My home page is best viewed using Netscape1.2 or 2.0. If you don't have it, you can download Netscape now!
Page moderated by Randy Ouellette