Welcome to the Theroux Family Home Page

We have a mixed Welsh, Irish and French Canadian heritage in this generation of the Theroux family. The Welsh part goes back to 1967, the Irish to 1890s. The French heritage goes back to the late 1600s when the first Theroux, son of a mariner, landed on the shores of North America. He came from the South of France.

For several genenerations his progeny thrived in Eastern Quebec. Just over a hundred years ago four of his great, great, great grandsons moved to Alberta. Now in 1996 thousands of his heirs continue to carry his name, and the 12th generation of our Canadian family line is about a year old.

Our interests include: Mac and PC computers, the arts, crafts, geneology and almost all educational topics. You can find some of our son's drawings and a connection to our favorite links below.


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Interesting Links

Rich Theroux

This site is under construction and will change often.

For more information contact us at ptheroux@spots.ab.ca