Welcome To Jerry's Place!


I welcome any suggestions, tips, help notes or whatever on the page. Please feel free to email me and don't forget to check the links, there will be more added to them soon.
 Hi, my name is Jerry, although if you know me from the web, you will likely know me as Aboo ( yes, that dirty little monkey from the movie, Aladdin! )   If you like to chat, you can usually find me on AnotherNet where I run my own chat channel #LoveCanuck or sometimes I hang out with a few friends at #quad or #sugarland.  If you go to the chats, be sure to say hello to Precious, LindyLou, Pepe, Brattyone, Ronn , Sea, Tinkrbel or Bobby.  There are so many wonderful people on, I could take pages to name them all but, sorry, I just can't. 

Please be patient, this page will be undergoing construction for quite a while yet. Thanks.



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