Welcome to my Home Page!

As with every site out there in 'Cyberland', this page is very much under construction. Someday, perhaps, I'll be happy with the end product, but I wouldn't hold your breath. As a closet perfectionist, I find it highly unlikely that I will ever be content with this page or what it contains. However, you never know - stranger things have happened.

At this point about all there is of interest to look at around here is the ubiquitous 'Links Page' that I put up to keep me sane at work. The bookmark funtion on version 1.1 Netscape for Macs is infuriating so I turned the file into a web page that met my needs more effectively. As an information specialist (read 'special librarian'), I find myself turning to the internet for information quite frequently, so a solid collection of links I used often seemed reasonable. So here they are!

As to my interests, which will likely turn up in some way, shape or form on these pages someday, they are wide ranging. Science fiction, all things Canadian, and astronomy are but a few of the things that amuse me. Eventually I hope to incorporate these things into my home page, and as time permits, I will.

Thought for the Week...

I am convinced that Canada has a soul, and should get on better terms with it, because at the moment it is a sadly neglected aspect of our inheritance.

*** Robertson Davies, Saturday Night 1987 ***

My collection of previous thoughts of the week.

Please feel free to drop me a line if you so desire. I can be reached at jastj@spots.ab.ca .

Last modified November 29, 1996.
© 1996, Jen St. John