What's New?

We are delighted to announce our new partnership with Kogawa Consulting Ltd. who have joined us to form the CrosslinKogawa Corporation. Kogawa is a Calgary based company that specializes in Business Re-Engineering and Management consulting. The new operation is designed to bring Kogawa's proven Re-Engineering Methodology and expertise in line with our IBIS product and to marry the strengths of the respective companies.

The two founding companies share a common code of ethics, mutual professional respect and complimentary skillsets, making the new operation a natural progression from our previous informal business alliance. Our combined and diverse corporate project experiences have gained us valuable expertise in our respective fields, and our companies have provided quality services to a wide range of client companies.

CrosslinKogawa's future plans focus around the IBIS product and making a difference in the challenging fields of Business and Integrated Information Systems.

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Phone: (403)264-3484
Fax: (403)266-4855
955, 840 - 7th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2P 3G2