What Is IBIS?

Integrated Business Information Solutions (IBIS) is a set of I.S. Implementation Methodology Packages and Specialist Services, based on sound Project Management Principles and which enable the successful implementation of the SAP product. IBIS is a Windows(TM) compatible , hypertext based Methodology.

IBIS was developed by a team of I.S. specialists associated with Crosslink Consulting Corporaton, an established I.S. service provider with branches in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Diverse corporate project experiences have gained us valuable expertise and insight in the challenging and complex fields of Business and Information Systems.

Based on in-depth experience in the implementation of the SAP R/3 System and associated interfaces, our IBIS Methodology Packages and Associated Comprehensive Services include:

  • Project Planning and Management
  • SAP Technical Environment Development and Support
  • Business Re-Engineering to support SAP
  • Business Requirements Analysis
  • SAP Configuration
  • Data Migration
  • System Testing
  • End-User Training & Documentation
  • Post-Implementation Support

These Methodology Packages & Services compliment the SAP R/3 version 3.0 Procedure ModelĀ© and we can provide them to you as a complete suite or individually.

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Phone: (403)264-3484
Fax: (403)266-4855
955, 840 - 7th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2P 3G2