When the Lord shall build up Zion,
He shall appear in his glory
(Ps 102:16)

Tel (01211) 502 402 FAX (01211) 502 809 (Until early September 1996)


June 5, 1996 Our beloved friends, today we commemorate the start of the SIX DAY WAR in 1967 which eventually led to the reunification of Jerusalem under Jewish authority after thousands of years. A tremendous milestone in our lifetime.

Something else of great importance is taking place today: In Akaba Yaser Arafat (Palestinian Liberation Organisation) and other Arabic leaders are getting together to discuss their response to the outcome of the recent elections in Israel. Benyamin Nethanayu, leader of the opposition Likud party had been miraculously elected as the new prime minister by a very narrow margin. The new prime minister and his party are opposed to the dangerous peace dealings that the previous labour party had been involved in - a policy that had led to the carving up of Israel for humanist peace and its grave consequences: the assassination of prime minister Yitchak Rabin on Nov. 4, 1995. The word of God says, ��When the enemy comes in like a flood, the LORD raises up a standard against him..� This is exactly what we believe has now taken place in Israel with the election. An amazing answer to prayer!

WORLD ELECTIONS. We are writing you this letter from England. We flew to England 3 days ago when the newspapers were celebrating the news Nethanayu�s victory as new prime minister in Israel. There are three very important elections that are to take place in the world this year. The first one has been the one in Israel. The second one is due in about a week�s time in Russia and the third is the one in the USA later this year. For the next three months we will be travelling in Europe and South Africa before returning to Israel, God willing in September this year.

THE YEAR OF 1996 IS A YEAR OF GREAT IMPORTANCE! Before we left for Turkey and Israel last year a friend shared with me the revelation that God had given her regarding Israel. She shared with me how the Lord had spoken to her that the time of the STAR OF DAVID (the national emblem on the Jewish flag) would make way for the time of the BRIGHT MORNING STAR. The year of 1996 has truly been a year of deep significance so far. Consider the following:

3000TH ANNIVERSARY OF JERUSALEM: This is the year commemorating the time when David went up from Hebron and took the stronghold of Zion. Here he established the City of David which became known as Jerusalem.

One of the first things that has been an outcome of the recent election is that the humanist ideals of the Middle East Peace Process has been largely frustrated. The previous government that handed over strategic areas of soil to the Palestinians. These areas carry with them the mighty testimony of God�s affairs in mankind. Examples of some of these areas already forfeited on the altar of humanist peace include JERICHO & BETHLEHEM. Next to go was HEBRON and discussions over THE GOLAN AND JERUSALEM was to follow. Nethanayu has already made the statement that HEBRON and the GOLAN is not going to the Palestinians or the Syrians.
And very important: JERUSALEM IS NOT TO BE NEGOTIATED! The Arabs already view this as a declaration of war. One outstanding difference between the present prime minister and his predecessors is the following: Nethanayu believes that God made a covenant with his people through Abraham and that this covenant is very much in operation today. The humanist government of Simon Peres did not recognise the supernatural sovereignty of God and His hand in the affairs of man - Israel and the nations.


At the beginning of this year we were praying with a friend near the Knesset (the Israeli parliament/seat of authority). The Lord laid it on my heart that He was going to display some major signs in the sky during this year. I stand in amazement when I consider the information that has come to our attention. Gen. 1:14 �Then God said, Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for SIGNS, and for seasons, and for days, and years.�

Consider the following: During 1996 there are to be two complete lunar eclipses in Israel: One has already happened on the first night of the Jewish Passover. IN THE EARLY HOURS OF THE MORNING OF April 4 the FULL MOON started to become dark and then was turned completely into the light brown colour of dried blood. We were down in the VALLEY OF JEHOSHAPHAT when this occurred, remembering the promise of Joel 2: 28-32 in prayer. We were deeply touched in our hearts as we stood in awe at the power of the sovereign God , who is in control of all things to its minutest detail and Who upholds everything by the power of His word.

The next complete lunar eclipse is to occur on the first night of the Feast of Tabernacles this year, when the moon once again would be totally full. The FEAST OF TABERNACLES is a Jewish feast that signifies the ingathering of the last harvest of the year! The date for this event will be the evening of Sept. 26-27.

Just before Tabernacles there is another Jewish feast called he FEAST OF TRUMPETS, marking the start of the new Jewish year (in Hebrew called ROSH HASHANAH). This day marks the start of the new Jewish year Tishrei 1, 5757. (Interesting Note: 5+7=12; and 5+7=12. 12 is the number of foundations )


1996 represents the 49th year (7x7) after the United Nations Decree in 1947 to restore Israel. This could very well be the seven sevens spoken of in the book of Daniel.
Daniel 9:25 �Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem until the anointed one, a prince, shall be seven sevens, and six-two sevens; it shall be build again with city square and moat, but in troublous times.�

There was also another decree to restore Jerusalem. That decree came after the Babylonian captivity. After that decree was given the Jewish people were back in their land for sixty-two sevens before Jesus, the messiah was cut off. (Daniel 9:26)

The remaining seven (to add up to the seventieth seven) could be divided up into 2 periods of 3-1/2 years each. The ministry of Jesus was 3-1/2 years when he walked the Earth, and there is another 3-1/2 years of powerful ministry remaining for God�s people, according to the book of Revelations. (Rev. 11). This amazing interpretation of prophecy was given by the scientist, Sir Isaac Newton and has recently been rediscovered.

BACK TO THE JEWISH NEW YEAR. On this day another sign is appearing in heaven! The sign is a conjunction of celestial bodies which could very well be the sign of Revelations 12:1-2 �A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.� In the conjunction the sun is just below the horizon such that Bethulah (the virgin) is �clothed� with the sun. She is about to give birth to the moon. The moon is new and after birth it will move directly to the feet of Bethulah (virgin) within half an hour. Over the virgin�s head is the constellation known as �Bernice�s hair�. This is the crown of twelve stars! This New Year event has never occurred before and will never occur again. This sign would be visible only from Jerusalem. Remember that God�s view is always from Jerusalem. The date on the western calendar is September 14-15, 1996.

Then on the FEAST OF PURIM next year, the brightest comet visible to humanity, COMET HALE-BOPP (some 250 times brighter than Comet Halley at the same distance) will make its closest approach to the earth. Purim starts on the evening of Tuesday, March 22, 1997.
As a Comet approaches the Sun the heat of the sun causes the comet to melt, forming a tail that trails the comet. This tail, depending on the size of the comet, may appear as though it is sweeping a part of the stars in heaven with it.

Could this comet be a sign of the following events in the Bible?
Rev 12:3,4 � And another sign appeared in heaven: and behold, a great red dragon having 7 heads and 10 horns, and on his heads were 7 diadems. And his tail swept away a third of the stars of heaven, and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the women who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child.�
Rev 12:9 �And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world, and his angels were thrown down with him.� In Luke 10:18 we find the following scripture: �And He said to them, �I was watching Satan falling from heaven like lightning.�

WORMWOOD. Something else appeared recently in the news this year: ROGUE STAR COULD CAUSE CHAOS: �During President Yeltzin�s recent visit to China, a comment was made by his Chinese hosts which escaped the media�s attention. Pres. Yeltzin urged the Chinese to sign the comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty. Beijing refused, claiming it needs to continue to work on a bomb that could be used against an asteroid heading towards the earth. The Chinese were referring to the rogue star named WORMWOOD. According to scientists WORMWOOD is about 5 times larger than the earth and will pass within 40 million km, or about half the distance between the earth and Mars, a mere stone�s throw in galactic terms. The star will appear as large as a full moon, its gravitational pull will cause incredible storms, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Depending on the actual heat emanating from the star, the polar ice-caps, oceans and rivers will turn into steam. Ultimately the earth will be ripped out of its orbit and hurled either into the sun or into the vastness of outer space. International scientists and powerful world governments have been tracking WORMWOOD for the past five years. The star was located in the Oort cloud at the edge of our solar system. Calculations indicate THAT THE STAR IS DESTINED TO ENTER THE SOLAR SYSTEM AROUND THE TURN OF THE CENTURY. US and Russian military scientists are working feverishly to build and deploy an array of nuclear missiles in the hope of blasting Wormwood from colliding with earth.�

The following is what the Bible has to say about an object called WORMWOOD: Rev 8:10-11 �The third angel blew his trumpet, and a huge star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it dropped on a third of the rivers and springs of water. And the name of the star is WORMWOOD, and many people died from using the water, because it had become bitter."

Another amazing sign will appear in the year 2000. Iyyar, 5760 (May 7, 2000) Venus, Mercury, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, and the moon will all be in a straight line. According to a Jewish Historian, Josephus, these seven represent the menorah (candlestick) in the Temple. This is the date when Solomon started to build the first Temple and Ezra started building the second Temple.

I would like to thank Greg Killian for much of the information I have quoted.
(24620 Russell Road P204, Kent, WA. 98032). Email: gkilli@aol.com.


VALLEY OF JEHOSHAPHAT. After our call to Turkey we arrived back in Jerusalem in the Valley of Jehoshaphat in the middle of September last year. The Lord was faithful to bring us back to Israel. In Turkey He had shown us about the greater Exodus of the Jewish people that is still to take place from the north. This exodus or homecoming to Israel will coincide with tremendous miracles and supernatural intervention through the hand of God. We touched on this amazing event in one of our newsletters that we sent out after we had been in Turkey. It would be interesting to see how the LORD is going to unravel these events in relation to the signs that are being displayed in the heavenlies in the coming years. What an amazing God we serve!

FEAST. In the month that followed we experienced much pressure and joy! Returning from Turkey we were exhausted and we had to move to a new residence in Jerusalem. But we were privileged to be back in Israel for the Jewish Feasts of Rosh Hashanah , Yom Kippur and Tabernacles. Our Godson and another close friend came to visit us all the way from South Africa. We had great joy fellowshiping with them and other believers in Jerusalem.

ASSASSINATION. On the night of Nov. 4, 1995 we received the news that the prime minister of Israel, Yitchak Rabin had been assassinated. The dangerous actions they were involved in, violating the word of God, to give away land for humanist peace, had taken its toll. The land of Israel was promised in covenant to Abraham centuries ago by God. As such this land is holy unto Him. If you tamper with this land in disregard of God, there are serious consequences.

Peres took over from Rabin and was pushing the Peace Process as fast as he could. The assassination also caused a tremendous emotional sympathy for the their cause - especially amongst the young who were caught up in an intense sort of nostalgia for the late Rabin and �peace�. A friend who visited Israel at this time was touched by their deep heart need for a father. A need that only the Father-Heart of God can really still. That Father who loved us so much that He was willing to give His firstborn as a ransom for our sins.

Ever since the hippie era young people have been caught up in the spirit of the time calling for PEACE. The Beatles wrote a song �Give Peace a chance�, which sold millions. World leaders too have been endeavoring to bring about world peace through their own means, symbolised by the United Nations Organisation. The problem; however, is that there is only one solution to peace, and He is a PERSON: THE PRINCE OF PEACE, whom God ordained as rightful heir to the Throne of David. And it is Him that the leaders of nations are not willing to recognise or submit to - their rebellion clearly described in Psalm 2.


UN - RESOLUTION. The final issue over which the greatest conflict of the ages will be fought will be over the status of Jerusalem and the king God has chosen for this city. God has decreed Jerusalem as capital for the Jewish people, whereas the nations of the world already have unanimously voted against this in a UN resolution early in this year. The outcome of that was a vote of 133 against 1 that Jerusalem is not to be the capital of the Jewish State. The only nation that voted against this was Israel itself! This brings us right on target with the events described in Zecheriah 12 to 14, dealing with the redemption of the Israeli people.

BIRTH PANGS. Following the death of Rabin we went through a very strenuous time in Jerusalem. First there was a wave of young people who were into false prophecy and deception. One of the signs that Jesus mentions in connection the birth pains for His second coming is that of false prophets. We felt the effect of this as we took two young people in who were on the street at the time. Confusion and havoc broke out around us as we were suddenly plunged into an intense spiritual battle. Both of them had been involved in the occult. Something of the pressure and tension can be understood when we study the birth pangs Jesus made His disciples aware of, which would characterize the time before His coming. Please read Matt 24:3-14; Mark 13:1-13. Matt 24:8 (Amplified) �All this is but the beginning - the early pains of the birth pangs - of the intolerable anguish.� I believe that the first coming of Jesus happened through a birth; and so will His second coming. Only the birth of His second coming will be through another woman: THE BRIDE OF CHRIST and through God�s creation. The Bible says in Romans 8:18 �For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth being compared with the glory that IS ABOUT TO BE REVEALED TO US AND IN US AND FOR US AND CONFERRED ON US! For (even the whole ) creation waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God�s sons to be made known - waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their Sonship.� (AMPLIFIED) :22-23 � We know that the whole creation has been moaning together in the pains of labor until now. And not only creation, but we ourselves too who have the first fruits of the Holy Spirit...�

NATURE. After the death of Rabin Israel also experienced a very dry winter . Winter is the time of year when the heavens normally would be opened for the nation to receive her yearly rainfall.. Then we saw the heavens opening up in rain and snow for a short while after a time of intense petitioning to the Lord on behalf of Israel: In January we attended THE INTERNATIONAL PRAYER CONFERENCE FOR ISRAEL. This was a very anointed time as believers from all over the world were coming together to supplicate to God on behalf of Israel. The nation was finding herself in one of the deepest crisis of her modern existence. The intercession was followed by another conference of glorious praise and worship and it was during this time that it poured down!

ISLAMIC SUICIDE BOMBERS. Some time after this we had the opportunity to travel to other parts of Israel. While we were away news reached us of the wave of terror attacks on helpless civilians by militant Islamic suicide bombers. We returned to Jerusalem very soon after we heard the news. The shock on the soul of Israel was enormous. We had numerous divine appointments with Israelis in which we could share the reality of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. To point out the fact that the battle over Jerusalem is a battle over the reign of the Jewish Messiah. That Jerusalem is the CITY OF THE GREAT KING - the eternal Priest and King who gave His Blood as a ransom for the sins of the world and that He will be returning to this city in power and great glory!

It was at this point that we sent out our last newsletter to you, calling on urgent prayer for Israel. It is absolutely amazing what God has done in response to the prayers of believers - how He has overturned the momentum of the whole peace process through the outcome of the recent election.

JESUS ENCOURAGES US. Back in Jerusalem God had sent a very beloved brother and fellow servant of His, to be reunited with us. He returned to Jerusalem after the Lord had used him in a wonderful way in Africa. What an encouragement his coming turned out to be! The Lord also continued to bring other friends to Israel, some of them coming on their own, others in small groups, and still others in big tour groups! The Lord gave us new friends, and their home fellowship as a gift from His Heart. We were also blessed and exhorted to visit our other friends whom we have known for years in Israel.

TOURS TO ISRAEL. About this time the Lord also continued to bring into fulfillment a vision that He had given us many years ago: to bring tour groups to Israel. Some close friends from Cape Town in South Africa arranged their own little tour group to Israel and they met up with us part of the time. Their call to Zion was so strategic and blessed! They came just after the suicide bombings and actually left for South Africa on the first night of the complete lunar eclipse! After their visit we had a Swiss tour that was arranged in an amazingly short time and the Lord moved powerfully in our midst! HE IS FAITHFUL!

PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD. The Lord has been bonding our lives in an amazing way with various people in the media and the arts over the years. In 1994 we received a Word from God to write in His Name and to publish it to all the nations. We believe this commission has to do with God�s awesome deeds in Israel and the nations before His second coming. Apart from printing we also believe the Lord wants us to communicate His message and deeds through the media of sight and sound. in 1993, before our journey to Russia the Lord laid it on our hearts to buy a camera. Then in 1994 a friend gave us a portable computer and since then other equipment has followed in photography and television.

Through a wonderful miracle the LORD opened a door for me to do a TELEVISION COURSE in Israel. This door opened after Drienie had been praying for me for something like this to give me some know how in this field. A one month course was offered to Israeli believers by a joint effort of Christian TV in Canada, Belgium and Sweden. I applied and was accepted. The course, worth thousands of dollars, including accommodation at a beautiful village near Jerusalem, was offered to us almost free!

REVIVAL. I believe that the revival that is coming is going to turn to the streets as it was in the early days of Acts. If somebody is there to record what God is doing, it can be a powerful testimony that can influence many lives. Many Christians are in the possession of some kind of amateur video equipment. Unfortunately they don�t know how to use their cameras properly. A friend and I would like to give short intensive courses to train people in this. The video footage that we then assemble of the mighty acts of God world wide , we can edit semi-professionally and distribute them to viewers, to reach a dying world with His glorious Gospel.

Right now we are preparing to leave for Israel with a Rosh Hashana tour and a Feast of Tabernacles tour. Please pray for us, the pressure and tension to get this arranged is intense! It must be because of the awesome blessing that the Lord has for those that would go to Israel; and the way He blesses the Jewish people through their coming. Should the LORD lead you that way, please come and join us on one of these tours. We enclose some information.

from Daniel & Drienie