Table of Contents...

Come by our pad to meet Darin, Alison, and Will, the demanding little funny-smelling guy who just moved in. The daily grind, the 9 to 5, bringing home the bacon, winning the bread,.... See how Darin and Alison make a living, eke out an existence, compete in the concrete jungle,.... (I think you get the point.)
Getting hungry yet? Step into our Soul Kitchen to feed your mind and body. Hey! Were you raised in a barn?! Close that fridge door! (Sorry, gotta practice you know.) Now, just sit back in our comfy love seat while we....tie you down and make you watch our slides! (For those too young to remember a slide projector, it's kinda like a giant Viewmaster. Oh, you don't remember those either.)
Go out on a limb and write a letter to your favourite branch of the Gregson Family Tree using Darin and Alison's switchboard. Or visit the family's budding cybernauts at their home pages.

Darin & Alison's Web-o-Rama © 1997
Created by: Divine INTERvention "Inspired Internet Solutions"
Last updated: October 10th, 1997