The Logrus

Welcome to The Logrus . . . Please ignore the mess, and I hope you brought along something more useful than a piece of string *URK* . . .

Here you will find the various pursuits, opinions, and obsessions of the Denizens of The Logrus:
Dean Elhard,
Pamela Jane Mclean,
Anne Mclean,
Rachel Mclean,

OK. I lied. At least for now. most of these pages are not done yet. Hell, most of them are not started yet. But they will show up as time permits.

What sort of stuff is here?
Solaris(tm) stuff . . .
Look here for Dean's Motif Newsreader 'Demon', and the 'pppstat' PPP status monitor, as well as accumulated tips and wisdom (if you can call it that :-)
The Denizens of The Logrus . . .
Just who are these people anyway, and what have they got to say.
Saint Stephen's Anglican Church...
It's a nice place to worship if you don't mind the cobwebs. Pamela and the Renegade Mamas are doing our best to sweep them away (all unofficial of course).

Other interesting places . . .

The Lurkers Guide to Babylon 5 . . .
OK. I admit it . . . I'm addicted, obsessed, all that and more, so sue me . . . The best web page for B5 info . . .

What the hell is a 'Logrus' . . .

The Logrus is the primal embodiment of Chaos from Roger Zelazny's second Amber series. The Logrus, located in the Courts of Chaos, along with the Pattern, the primal embodiment of Order located in Amber, form a continuum of universes (or 'Shadows') between the two, through which initiates of the Logrus or Pattern can walk. Read the books . . .

It is also the name of out house, which bears a certain similarity to the embodiment of chaos, the specifics of which are left as an exercise for the reader . . . :-)

If you have comments or suggestions, contact Dean Elhard