
Who am I? Or rather.. Who/What/Where?.......


[MyPicture] For all those people out there who have stumbled upon my home page, my name is Brian David Norman Bethune Uhreen. Since that is just way to long, I usually only go by Brian D. Uhreen. And while your wondering the last name is pronounced (U'rèn).

    I was born in Fort St. John, B.C. August 04, 1975. Fort St. John being a small town (second city on the Alaska highway, [Northern British Colombia]) I got all the benefits and disadvantages that are usually associated with small towns. The close-net community feeling, and the fact that information actually did travel faster by word of mouth than by the telephone are not only true of a small city but sometimes a great source of entertainment. This entertainment was a good thing be cause there was not a whole lot else to do up there, as the local movie theater took about three to four weeks to get a movie into town from the time it got released. I continued to live in Fort St. John until I graduated North Peace Secondary School in spring/summer of 1993.

I have moved to Calgary, Alberta, Canada where I am currently working. I came here originally to go to DeVry Institute of Technology to receive a Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering Technology. You can see my Resume here.

If you are not sure what Electronics Engineering Technology (EET) is, then here is a short description.

    A degree in Electronic Engineering Technology gives you the ability to work with, design and build a multitude of different concepts. These concepts can vary from the designing and building of a computer system to the next advancement in microwaves. With the addition of DSP (Digital Signal Processing) a person can model any signal in the digital domain, thus allowing a person to affect and change all aspects of the signal including moving forwards and backwards in time.