The Page that NobleCause Built

Welcome to my Home page...

A little about me

I'm known on-line as NobleCause...or NobleCse on IRC. I'm a pseudo techie for a telco and a semi-reformed net junkie. I met my husband Jhereg, on the 'net and see it as the coolest thing since aerosol cheese. We met here in the wee hours last June and July. He was a corrections officer in Indiana and I was a sleepless newbie in Canada.

This is me and this is my husband.

No WAIT...that's not us.....but it is from our favorite movie The Princess Bride. This is really us. The lunk in front is NobleLad, my son.

These are a few of

Noble's Links

bianca loves you
Cool Place eh?
Live Cams
Lycos Search
Annagram generator

Links O' Entertainment

Star Trek Voyager
Sliders Another cool Fox program
Space: Above and Beyond
For Adults only...
Jhereg My husband's page.

Software links!

TUCOWS....GREAT link Has everything!

MIRC The best ICR Freeware out there


Visitors to this site since February 14, 1996
Thanks to Web Counter and Hot Dog Pro Web Page Editor