1st October 1997:

28th June 1997:

22th June 1997:

26th May 1997:

24th March 1997:

20th March 1997:

18th March 1997:

The next General Meeting will be held on Wednesday the 19th of March at Mount Royal College in the Jenkins Theatre, starting a 7 p.m. We'll be taking a look at various PD utilities and games, bringing you up to speed on the Amiga, showing how to connect up your Amiga and PC, demonstrating the Aminet CDs and maybe even a little hardware installation! As usual we'll also be answering questions people have about the Amiga and its software as well as are usual software sale/swap. See you there.

17th March 1997:

The February 1997 and June 1996 issues of Run AMUC is now online. Click here to take a look!

28th February 1997:

The July, August and September 1996 editions of Run AMUC are now online. Click here to take a look!

2nd February 1997:

We've just added the October, November, December 1996 and January 1997 editions of Run AMUC and cleaned up that section. Still a few dead links though. Click here to take a look!

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To contact AMUC: info@amuc.mtroyal.ab.ca
These pages Copyright © 1997 by The Amiga Users of Calgary Society