The AMUC Express BBS

This is the official BBS of The AMiga Users of Calgary Society. It is a three line BBS running IceBBS software. It has about 2Gigs of hard drive space and 13 CDROMs online (in Pioneer DRM-60x type changers). AMUC members get full access, but other users can get free accounts which give them limited access.

AMUC Express BBS Phone Numbers

(403) 282-5224 28800 baud (USR v.ALL)
(403) 282-5171 14400 baud (Supra v.32)
(403) 282-5238 28800 (USR Sportster V34)

Special Accounts on the BBS

There are a number of special accounts you can send EMail to on the AMUC Express BBS. These are:

A last word about AMUC

AMUC is a non-profit organization dedicated to the support of Amiga Users and the promotion of the Amiga computer.

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Updated June 26, 1996
To contact AMUC:
These pages Copyright © 1996 by The Amiga Users of Calgary Society