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Information on AMUC, The AMiga Users of Calgary Society

If you are not yet a member and would like to join AMUC write the following address:

Box 34230
#19, 1200 37th St. S.W.
Calgary, Alberta, CANADA
T3C 3W2
There are several types of memberships:

Payment by personal cheque or postal money order is fine. Make cheques payable to "AMUC".

The general meeting is held on the third Wednesday of each month at the Mount Royal College in the Jenkins Theatre. Meetings generally follow this format:

During the meeting there are various recent precopied public domain disks available for purchase at $3.00 per disk and the club's full disk library is available for copying at the copy station (5 Amigas at the back) for free. You supply the disks and manpower.

AMUC also has a 24-hour answering machine which you can call to get the current information on SIG and other Meeting locations. The number is: (403) 244-6990

AMUC is run by an elected executive committee.

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Updated January 3, 1997
To contact AMUC:
These pages Copyright © 1997 by The Amiga Users of Calgary Society