These aren't toys (honest!)

Well, not really. I beg off the other description of diecast replicas, which while TRUE, isn't really what these types of cars are sold for. Burago and such are indeed excellent replicas, but they're not what what I collect. I'm fond of small cars with working bits that at least look like the cars they're derived from. I like metal (mainly because plastic always seems to be sign of cheap design rather than anything inherently wrong with a featherlight vehicle...) I do however like the following manufacturers: And buy them in both the small scales and the slightly larger size. Micromachines are cute, but they don't really interest me. I'm also not interested in the ones with the silly chrome wheels that seem to have become the norm from Matchbox and Hot Wheels recently.

As of last count, I had about 400 of the darn things -- one of these days I'll get around to grabbing some photos and putting them on the homepage.

Return to the main page. This page was last updated on the 29th of April.