
The main contender of the C= 64, the Sinclair Spectrum came in several "flavours". From the humble ZX-Spectrum, to the ZX80 and ZX81. There are currently a number of Spectrum emulators that do most of the models, but unfortunately there is no Spectrum 128k emulators available. Anyone want to try ?

Spectrum Emulator V1.7 Freeware
This aptly named emulator was last worked on in 1993. So it may be a little out of date. It runs quite well on all machines and several versions are included for various processors. It was written by Peter McGavin in New Zealand and includes the rom image for instant emulation. Very good for those with slower machines or still run an old A500.
Compatible: OS1.2+, 68000+, 512K+

Spectrum USA
Spectrum AUS

Speculator '97 V1.04 Shareware �10
This would be one of the most comprehensive Spectrum emulators I've seen, only to be out shined by ZXAM in terms of compatibility, ease of use and features. According to the docs part of the ZX rom was rewritten in Amiga 68K assembler to speed up a number of routines. It certainly flies on my machine. It can load and save in several different formats including the almost generic snapshot, as well as standard ZX basic files. This does not require a Spectrum rom to run.
Compatible: 68000+, OS2.0+, OS3.0(for Installer script)

Speculator USA
Speculator AUS

ZXAM Spectrum V2.0b Shareware US $15
Here we have the pinnacle of Spectrum emulation. Okay so I'm, biased, I'm getting lazy as I get older. I like GUI's on programs, simplicity without being basic. Thats what this program achieves. It allows the average person (with a decent Amiga) to easily emulate a Spectrum, change programs/games with ease, enter Pokes (remember those ? :) all without having to resort to one cli command. A special AGA version is included for those of us who have them. It incorporates several AGA only hardware tricks to speed up the screen display etc. but unfortunately disables multitasking. The program supports a number of commonly found rom types and I have honestly not had any problems in loading roms into this emulator. I've included a special version for Blizzard 1260 boards as the original locks the machine. Get both archives if you own one of these accelerators.
Compatible: 68020+, OS2.04+ Rom not required. (A1200/A4000 for the AGA version)

ZXAM_060 Local File

ZX Spectrum V4.71 Shareware $10
The Docs were rather vague about which currency the fee is to be paid in, but suffice it to say that I doubt it would reach the author now. this version was last worked on in 1994. Included are several different versions, one for Blitter screen and one for processor screen updates, plus there are Interface I versions of both, but this does require the separate Interface I rom. I had some trouble running the emulator, resulting in it crashing on me, but I would say this is a problem with the 060 being incompatible.
Compatible: 68000-68040, Unknown OS Version requirements.

ZX Spectrum USA
ZX Spectrum AUS

There is one more emulator. Called the KGB Spectrum emulator. I don't have this, if someone has it I'd appreciate it being sent to me. At times I may delete some of these depending on how I feel, it's no use having one emulator that runs on all machines and others that run only on some... It depends on the space I have left on my WWW site.