This page is mostly dedicated to the Nintendo Gameboy, there are four other Nintendo emulators available. So far we have DarkNEss, A/Nes, CoolNESs, and AmiNES. Read on for more info !
The Gameboy is a small hand held portable console. It takes small cartridges which contain rom images of games. It uses a monochrome screen for display and the sound come from a tiny peizo buzzer or from stereo headphones provided. Sound quality is surprisingly good as is the Graphic quality considering the size of the screen.
The Nintendo Entertainment System is a relatively small console that rivalled the Sega Mastersystem. The NES was a simplistic 8bit system using the now famous Z80 processor. Unfortunately I have very few details about this machine as I never owned one (I prefered the Sega Master System and owned one too).

Games are still available from a lot of places, but you should be able to find the images on the 'Net somewhere. These games are still copyrighted to various companies and as such is illegal to distribute them, so don't ask for them !

Based on the source code from Marat fayzullin's VGB (Video GameBoy) emulator, this version has some slight improvements. It runs on it's own screen and has background GFX that make it look like you're�actually playing the game on a real Gameboy. Not that much of an improvement, although it seems to be a little faster than VGB. This version is time limited to 10 minutes, registering info is in the archive.
GBUK V1.01 Shareware �10
Compatible: 68020-68060, AGA+


The original Gameboy emulator. Written by Marat Fayzullin in portable C it has been converted to almost every possible platform (besides C64 & Atari!). It's fastish (on my machine) but can slow down when things become complicated. Not recommended for people with processors less than an 040. Very complete emulation. Check it out.

VGB V0.7r2 - Virtual GameBoy. Freeware
Compatible: 68020-68060, OS3.0+

My apologies to Marat and Lars for having some misleading info, and thanks to Lars for pointing it out to me :)


This emulator is written by another emulating genuis, Juan Antonia Gomez from Spain. He's also written an MSX emulator and a Sega Master System emulator, both can be found elsewhere on this site. This fast emulator is written in 68020 asembler. It still has quite a few bugs in the code, but runs a little faster than Wzonka-lad, due to AGB turning off the system whilst running the emulation. Sound is supported in three of the four channels, and is promised to be finished in the next shareware version. V0.9 will be US $20 to register. Very good if incomplete.

I am currently testing V0.9 of this emulator & it is quite good, but still (in my opinion) not quite as good as Wzonka-lad. It is VERY fast though so I would recommend it for slower Amigas.

AmiGameBoy V0.8 Freeware
Compatible: 68020-68060, AGA.

AmiGameBoy USA
AmiGameBoy AUS

This oddly named Gameboy emulator is NO LONGER the newbie, but has gone through a great number of revisions. It has now gone shareware due to Ville Helin's work on it. Sound support is promised to those who register using the excellent AHI system. Written in pure Amiga assembler it's very fast.

This version runs at full Gameboy speed on my 060 and now contains 2 versions in the archive, one slightly faster than the other. The "Fast" version has a noticable speed difference to the standard version.

Said to run 4-5 times faster than VGB on 030's ! This is a must. Needs minimum 020 & 3Mb fast. Updates will be a little slower now as Ville has just started his mandatory Tour of Duty in the army, he has told me Wzonka-lad is now finished to a point where it runs smoothly with sound etc.

This is the new version of Wzonka-lad, I received my key file at the same time as the archive and it sounds much better than the older beta versions I tested. Absolutely brilliant, download this & pay the fee !

Wzonka-Lad V0.83 Shareware $15
Compatible: 68020-68060, OS3.0, OCS+, 3Meg+

Wzonka-lad USA
Wzonka-lad AUS

Ville's Home Page

Mail Ville Helin, the Author for more information....

WOW ! DarkNESs has under gone some amazing changes since the last version. Mark Van Hal has rewritten it in pure assembler and it now runs much much faster than before.
He has added a GUI to DarkNESs so there is no more shell typing for you lazy people out there. So what is it like emulation wise !?
Amazing Absolutely amazing. It ran every game I threw at it (I did not test every game I had) and only had some grahpic glitches on one or 2 of them ! Much, much better than any other NES emulator at the moment.
Congratulations Mark on a job well done. The only let down at the moment is speed still. It is still a lot slower than the other emulators available, but this is the first ASM version and it multitasks too. I would expect some more enhancements from Mark, especially after this version !

Support this program !!!!!

DarkNESs V0.20 Giftware
Compatible: 68020-68060, OS2.0+
Supported MMC's: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11.


This is the new NES emulator on the market. It is in it's VERY early stages and as such does very little. Infact it does less than DarkNESs does.

Yet another version of A/NES, and again it's still very buggy. It's still full of graphic glitches and many of the games are just unplayable, especially those that have a scrolling background which A/NES just cannot do. Still no support for MMC #8, maybe soon ?

Improvements to this version include some sound fixes and a BIG CPU bug fix.

Written by Fredrik Schutlz and Morgan Johansson of Sweden this looks to be a very promising emulator. I can't wait for updates and more MMC's being supported. Stay tuned for more information !

A/NES V0.36� Shareware $15US - Cash Only
Compatible: 68020+, AGA. Some fast ram would help.
Supported MMC's: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11.


The new NES emulator reminds me very much of DarkNESs, infact I would have sworn they are from the same port. They have both been created with the help of Marat & Y0SHI's documentation. I would assume that is why they look very similar !

This new version of CoolNESs has undergone some minor impromvemets. The background scrolling problem is now almost gone. I no longer need to flick between the different types of mirroring to fix the background. Although the graphics still appear corrupt when first starting a game.
Sound is now available to those who register with Fredrik. This version now runs more games than A/NES ! And with fewer graphic glitches this one is now a must !
The author Fredrik Olsson intends to improve the emulation by adding support for possibly the Family Basic Keyboard, NES Disk drive and the Zapper, these are only maybe's though...

Email Frederik and let him know how much you like the emulation though . REMEMBER, it is only my opinion.
Still easily as fast as A/NES, if not slightly faster !

CoolNESs V0.45 Shareware $15US, �12, 100SeKr
Compatible: 68020+, AGA. Some fast ram would help.
Supported MMC's : 0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 11.


Yet another emulator from Juan Antonio Gomez. This guy just can't help himself it seems. This is a very early demo. AmiNES now runs from a nice looking GUI (the same as all his other emulators actually) and although it still supports very few ROMS & MMC's it now will report that it cannot run a game. This will stop the emulation from crashing, which can happen on the other NES emulators.

It needs a lot of work to get to DarkNESs' standards of game compatibility, but knowing Juan it will not be long before he has added a lot more to the emulator. Keep watching this space for more information.

Juan states that he will not be finishing this emulator in the near future and has used it only as a stepping stone to his PC-Engine emulator. All I can say is roll on PC-Engine !

AmiNES V0.12� Preview Version
Compatible: 68020+, AGA. Some fast ram ! (Has support for 040/060's)
Supported MMC's : 0, 2