
A History Of Changes.

Please note that due to time constraints, only the latest changes are available. As time permits, historical changes (eg. a full set of changes since ZenMetal acquired CNet Amiga) will be added.

Changes V4.31/4.32
Changes V4.29a
Changes V4.29
Changes V4.28e
Changes V4,28d
Changes V4.26j
Changes V4.26i
Changes V4.26h
Changes V4.24f
Changes V4.24e
Changes V4.24d

Changes V4.31/4.32

  1. BBSTEXT/MENU reload trashed WHO display. Change to BBSTEXT line 659.
  2. Change to BBSTEXT line 426.
  3. Added systext:menu/mail-attach
  4. New BBSMENU section 45 for mail-attach menu.
  5. CNet now allows uploading to mailbox for file-attach. To do this, enter MAIL SEND (MS) and fill in the recipient and Subject. At the mail flags prompt, press F (for Freq) until it toggles to "SEND". Press enter to continue to the File-Attach menu.

    NOTE: Currently, only single file-attaches are possible for each mail. This limit will definitely be removed in the near future.
  6. Added cnetc.library. This is the new standard for CNetC door communications with CNet. The same functions that were in empty.c and cnetc.lib are available in the shared library cnetc.library.

    The shared library versions of these functions are preceded by "CNC_". For example, what was once PutText() is now CNC_PutText().

    Please see the new empty.c for example usage.

    Your C door MUST call CNC_InitContext() on startup and CNC_DisposeContext() when your door is done communication with it's CNet port.

    empty.c is wrapper code with these functions already inserted within.
  7. CNetIRC's ARexx port is now fully functional. Each copy of CNetIRC has its own ARexx port, named "CNET_IRCx" where the x is the user's port number. The most important and most used ARexx command is the cnetirccmd, shown below.

    ARexx command Function Examples
    cnetirccmd: send an IRC command
    cnetirccmd '/me is away'
    cnetirccmd '/" print to user screen'
    cnetirccmd '/msg HMetal Hey buddy!'

    A more detailed list of CNetIRC ARexx commands will be made available later.

    Also see the included example ARexx scripts in CNET:IRCREXX for more information.

    Please make sure that the script bit is enabled on these ARexx scripts by using the AmigaDOS shell command "protect cnet:ircrexx/#? +s"

    Also, to get the default Arexx macros into your /alias list, use the CNetIRC command "/e .ircrc.rexx" Once executed, you will see the text "*!* INIT .ircrc" printed on your CNetIRC screen.

  8. Fixed the Control SysInfo window activity graph (AG).
  9. Converted all ZenMetal CNetC doors to use cnetc.library format.
  10. Added ARexx command "checkolms" which will check if OLMs are waiting and display them immediately. Returns 1 if OLMs are displayed; 0 if none were displayed.
  11. Added the following CNetC commands:

    CNC_MailSend(account_number) - sends mail to the specified user CNC_ReadLog(logname) - read the log named logname in systext:log/ CNC_OpenDisplay(port_number) - open the port screen for port port_number
  12. Added TestOpenDisplay.c example combination CNetC/AmigaDOS door to sdk examples drawer.
  13. Added file transfer ETA display to Control panel. ETA appears in the "Where" section of the control panel ports display during an upload or download.
  14. File-attaches to Internet mail are now MIME-encoded to be included in the mail body. To accomplish this, a file "extension" field has been added for each mime type in Mime-Ed. You may put multiple extensions in each mime type.

    For example, if you have configured a JPG mime type, you might have the following MIME configuration for that type:

    Content-Type : image/jpg
    Encoding : base64
    Mail Save Method : File-attach
    News Save Method : Leave as body text (not implemented yet)
    Decode Command : c:base64 decode from %f to %t
    Encode Command : c:base64 encode from %f to %t
    Subboard ID : <leave blank> File Extension(s): jpg jpeg jfif

    Using the above example, when a user uploads a file with a .jpg, .jpeg or .jfif extension, it will be encoded using the command, "c:base64 endcode from <image_file> to <mime_encoded_file>"

    note: CNet will use the description specified by the user at the "Filenote:" prompt, during file-attach upload, as the mime description. For adopted files, CNet will use the EXISTING file description and does not (currently) prompt for a (new) filenote.
  15. Changes to BBSTEXT lines 2226-2229.
  16. Edit Finger (EF) was inserting newlines in the wrong place(s).
  17. Dupe subboard GO KEY prompt would not allow changing of the GO KEY if a dupe was entered.
  18. MCI is no longer filtered in local mail.
  19. Fixed Control sysinfo window percentage/graph that was being corrupted on refresh.
  20. stdio (window) output of TOSS in default verbosity was munged. Node number of packet origin was being overwritten by the number of messages imported.
  21. Cron received the BGUI treatment. ALL CNet GUIs finally use BGUI. Also fixed some bugs relating to event execution that may have caused SOME events to be skipped.
  22. Added a "Last Executed" display to Cron so one can see when an event was last invoked. Note that this "Last Executed" date will be reset whenever an event is altered (eg. change of start time, repeat hours, mins, seconds, etc.)
  23. cnSMTPd timeout now configurable in Config/Defaults/SMTPD Timeout and is specified in seconds. Minimum timeout is 60 seconds and nothing lower will be accepted by Config. If you are experiencing a lot of "Connection lost" messages in cnSMTPd log/window, increase this value in 30 seconds increments until the problem is resolved.
  24. Added ListEvents.c to sdk/ExampleSource drawer. This example source shows all configured events and their attributes. It is an AmigaDOS Shell executable and must be linked with cnet_reg.lib.
  25. Added ARexx command SETQUERY to BBS:

    Command: SETQUERY <opts>
    Purpose: Used to set prompt attributes for the ARexx QUERY command. The <opts> decide how the prompt responds to user input. These opts are the very same arguments that can be specified as flags to the EnterLine() function of CNet.
    Applicable to ARexx commands: QUERY PROMPT NORMAL

    <opts>: The <opts> arg is a binary word with any of the following bits enabled.

    TIP: Use BITOR (<string1>,[<string2>],[<padchar>]) to set groups of bits or BITSET (<string>, <bit>) to set a single bit in <string>

    SEE ALSO: ARexx manual and BITWISE OPERATOR section.

    NAME PURPOSE OF OPT .............................................................................. BIT
    ALLCAPS INPUT .................................................................................................. 1
    FILENAME filter characters #?:\"*;= ................................................................. 2
    USEINBUFF use existing INBUFFER ................................................................. 3
    NOLEADSPACE don't allow leading space in input ............................................ 4
    CAPWORDSTART Capitalize the first letter of each word ................................ 5 RESTWORDLOWER Convert all others to lowercase ...................................... 6
    NUMBERSONLY Allow numeric input only ........................................................ 7
    INPUTBOX Draw input box (eg. with . at the end ................................................ 8 ALLOWMCI Allow the entry of MCI control characters .................................... 9
    HANDLESPECIAL Don't allow ^_`{|}~@ ........................................................... 10
    XSLASHSTART Forward slash (/) exits prompt and sets myz.InputFlags=1 .... 11
    XBKSPACESTART Enable BACKSPACE exit prompt ..................................... 12
    NOOLMS Don't allow OLMs to appear .............................................................. 13
    ALLOWCHAT Allow other users to break into chat at prompt ......................... 14
    NOSPACES Don't allow spaces in input .............................................................. 15
    NOCURSORMOVE Don't allow movement using arrow keys .......................... 16
    NOSLASHES Don't allow / key in input .............................................................. 17
    NOPATH Don't allow : or / in input ...................................................................... 18
  26. Added companion ARexx CLEARQUERY command to clear QUERY bits set with SETQUERY.
  27. An Arexx command SETROOTNAME was added to BBS ports in v4.28 and the documentation for it was overlooked.
  28. SETROOTNAME sets a new global ROOT USERNAME. Note that this new ROOT USERNAME is NOT applied to config and only applies until Control is restarted.
  29. Added event progress display to Control Panel. When an event is executing, its name and dynamic duration are displayed in the "FROM" and "STATUS" fields, respectively.
  30. Added duration of event to the event end time in sysdata:log/events so you can see how long your events are taking to complete.
  31. Added CNET:REXX directory and some example ARexx scripts.
  32. Added ARexx command RUNPORT which allows ARexx scripts to trigger Control to open/load a port. RUNPORT requires a single argument in AmigaDOS ReadArgs format.

    eg. RUNPORT PORT=x

    where x is the number of the port to load.

    RUNPORT returns "OK" if the port load was successful or the port was already loaded. Returns "FAIL" if the port could not be loaded.

    See cnet:rexx/runport.rexx for a complete example of usage.

    NOTE that the included ARexx script cnet:runport.rexx must exist if you want the immediate port loading feature of cron's new "RUN THIS EVENT NOW" feature to work. This runport.rexx script can be altered but must always be capable of running the desired port using the command "rx cnet:rexx/runport.rexx <portnum>". This is the very command Cron uses to load the port to run an event immediately. Control does NOT use this script for port loading.
  33. Companion CLOSEPORT Arexx command added to Control. Args and usage are the same as those used for RUNPORT.

    See cnet:rexx/closeport.rexx for an example script.
  34. Added "RUN THIS EVENT NOW" capability to Cron to start/test an event immediately. If the port is not loaded, it is loaded on the fly.
  35. Control's BOTLOGON Arexx command fixed. To generate an automatic login, use this command. The script cnet:rexx/botlogon.rexx is an example of this command.


    where x is the port number for which to generate a login.

    NOTE that this command brings ** NEW POWER TO CNET AMIGA**. It is now possible to have a "Robot user" online at all times. Using the BOTLOGON command and some clever CNETREXXp Arexx command work, you can completely automate BBS operations.

    Also note that the BOTLOGIN command generates a login as if you were to press the spacebar on the local console. You can, via the ADDKEYS ARexx command, login as any user/password combination this way.

Changes/fixes for V4.30

  1. Edit Finger (EF) command was corrupting user finger information.
  2. When CONFIG was saved, IMP mailing-list info was invalidated. Control had
    to be quit and restarted.
  3. Change to BBSTEXT line 2288-2289.
  4. BBSTEXT line 2301 changed to {}
  5. "Include <user> [Y/n/q] prompt" caused port lockups if control was quit
    while a user was at this prompt, or if a user dropped carrier at this
  6. New function PutQMulti() added to cnet.lib. This function is currently
    used internally for the mail system. It has the potential of being the
    backbone of an elaborate/powerful "hotkey" processor.
  7. See the Library reference cnet.lib.doc in the sdk/lib directory for more
    information on PutQMulti.
  8. cnSMTPd was reporting "Error after WS()" instead of "timeout" when a remote
    system was either lagged, excessive non-communication time or had closed
  9. Subboards with minimum free bytes before upload set to 0 were not allowing
    any uploads. Was a problem since CNet/3 days. New code added so that if
    you set subboard minimum free bytes to 0, CNet will ignore check free-space
    before and during an upload/batch-session.
  10. MailSend to account ranges (eg. "MS 1-") has received a 1000% improvement in
    lookup speed to reduce user-wait times.
  11. Mailing-List reply-to addresses that had a trailing space on the end were
    causing problems. Trailing spaces are now removed.
  12. Config and useredit were not opening their screens in proper PAL monitor
    mode on European/overseas systems.
  13. Config/Modems/Device name was too short to accept "squirrelserial.device".
    max device name length increased by 1 character to allow this. To
    avoid shifting of getuser values etc, struct SerPort4->init1 was shortened
    from 50 characters max to 49 characters max.
  14. Added mins/hours display to "Idle" display of the WHO command.
    Changes to BBSTEXT lines 907 and 1125-1127.
  15. NNTPGet received some much needed attention to increase news import speed.
  16. Enforcer hit was generated when initiating upload to direct exchange subboard.
  17. Direct exchange subboards were not allowing uploads if minimum free space
    was set larger than 0.
  18. Dropping carrier at "Hit RETURN to enter the system:" login prompt caused
    a port lockup.
  19. FULL maint users can now edit mail they did not write when using mail verify.
  20. Idle time display in WHO was not showing LOGON, TERM nor NEWUSER when a
    port existed in one of those states.
  21. TimeIdle variable (used in port idle time calculations) redfined as a ULONG
    to allow for display of longer inactive periods.
  22. Fixed log delete bug where a failed delete resulted in no logs being
    readable thereafter.
  23. Internet "FINGER" integrated into CNet online finger. If you have a TCP/IP
    stack running, users may use "FINGER user@internet_host" to get information
    about a user on remote hosts. "FINGER <local_user>" still works too.
  24. CNetIRC edit server was allowing ridiculous lengths to be used for some
    of the string settings.
  25. CNetIRC had the potential to lockup if a user dropped carrier during
    a session.
  26. CNetIRC could lockup if your TCP/IP stack connection was lost.
  27. Note to Miami users: Be sure that "Down when offline" is enabled in
    Miami's TCP/IP section.
  28. Users CNetIRC exit message was not being displayed when they quit CNetIRC.
  29. CNetIRC clear screen (eg. /CLS, /C, /CLEAR) command was broken.
  30. Added the following log to CONFIG/LOGS:

    LOG ID: 413
    PURPOSE: For logging of TCP/IP socket connects, disconnects and general socket I/O information.
  31. (note this log is currently only used by the Finger command. It will soon
    be expanded to encompass ALL CNet internet clients)
  32. CNetIRC was, at times, not notifying the remote server when a user QUIT
    the server. This resulted in a "Nickname <nick> already in use" message
    when the same channel was joined during the same IRC session.
  33. cnSMTPd was producing software failures if iconified or menufied while a
    session was active.
  34. cnSMTPd was not updating a socket connection's list entry when a remote client
    timed out (more than 1 minute of inactivity) or lost connection. This had
    the appearance of a connection being active/present when it really was not
    connected anymore.

Changes/fixes for V4.29a (ALPHA only)

  1. MIME support added to incoming EMAIL. Using MIMEEd, you can set up your own MIME types and associated decoders.

    For the decode command, there are some things to note:

    use %f for the temporary name that CNet is using as the file to be decoded.

    use %t for the final filename.

    eg. base64 decode from %f to %t
  2. Changes to disallow uploading of files with invalid characters in filenames. Changes to lines 402 and 392 of BBSTEXT.
  3. CNet had the potential to allow upload of files named . or .. previously. No longer.
  4. cnSMTPd was corrupting mail on some systems running OS V40.
  5. Added byte progress display to cnsmtpd lines and logging of final mail size to cnsmtpd log.
  6. EL VDE bug fixed.
  7. W<x> was falsely allowing "long description" to be edited when it really served no purpose. The proper and only way to edit/add a long description after the initial "enter long description" prompt has been bypassed is to "ED" the item and edit response 0.
  8. Config was not saving IMP config unless a previous cnet:configs/IMP file existed.
  9. repair_sub made more verbose by printing subboard names.
  10. EL "Network" setting were cycling as "none, usenet, usenet, fido1, fido2, etc." Fixed to cycle as "none, usenet, mailing-list, fido1, fido2, etc." Make sure BBSTEXT line 1666 says "MailingList" or similar.
  11. Of interest to 3rd party door/utility coders, there are two new cnet link libraries in sdk/lib; cnet.lib and cnetc_door.lib. These libraries contain many of the functions used in CNet executables which are now available for your use. Library reference in amigaguide format will be released soon.
  12. CNet doors and internal modules recompiled to take advantage of new cnet.lib and cnetc_door.lib code. This reduced the size of many CNet doors and executables.
  13. Type 2 joinlink sessions were not performing initial handshaking properly.
  14. QWK import bug fixed. Added BBSTEXT lines 1757-1758.
  15. BBSTEXT line 215 changed.
  16. BBSTEXT line 802 changed.
  17. Config was sometimes freezing up after pressing SAVE.
  18. GetRFCDate() sign for GMT offset was backwards.
  19. Mail-task was not creating mail:mimet (mime temp directory) if it did not exist.
  20. nntpget was showing posts, responses and dupes incorrectly (order not correct).
  21. cnSMTPd was not handling empty envelope sender properly.
  22. Join was getting an enforcer hit when the last noise in the list was used.
  23. cnSMTPd was closing remote connection after receiving a single item rather than waiting for possible multiple items and/or remote disconnect.
  24. MIME support routines from mail-task added to iuumail.
  25. MIMEEd "News save method" was not saving properly. Please note that, at this time, this button has no function. MIME detection/processing is not yet added for usenet news imports

Changes/fixes for V4.29 (ALPHA)

  1. Bug in cnet.lib WriteASubboard() function caused enforcer hits and lockup. Affected "EL" SAVE and other modules/executables that used this function.
  2. Auto-forward mail-aliases (+) are now supported by iuumail and mail-task internet mail import.
  3. Spooled internet mail should now send ok once connected. Be sure to set smtp mail timeout in Config/Defaults.
  4. bmaint had a bug in which short descriptions were sometimes not moved with files when the MOve command was used.
  5. Some Control menus were not being ghosted when locked and some were unneccessarily ghosted.
  6. AMaint was printing garbage text when started.

Changes/fixes for v4.28e

  1. "Config/Options/Skip handle prompt with CID match" and "Config/Options/Answer only with CID match" were not saving properly.
  2. MIME support added to MAIL. News and posts MIME support to be added soon.
  3. Config/IMP changes are now effected dynamically. that is, your changes are immediately applied to Control's MainPort.
  4. Added MIMEEd (aka MIME-Edit) GUI for adding/deleting/editing MIME types.

Changes/fixes for v4.28d

  1. SMTP daemon (cnsmtpd) now included with CNet. This daemon is one that should be run AFTER both your TCP/IP stack and Control are running. It will accept a maximum of 32 simultaneous SMTP connections. It is also an AmigaDOS executable that should be run in any AmigaDOS Shell.

    eg. run cnet:cnsmtpd
  2. SMTPd section added to Config. There are currently two lists on this page:

    This is a list of hostnames/aliases that your system is known as. For example, your system may have multiple domain names. Enter all names/aliases that your system is known as in this list.

    eg. metalshoppe.dyn.ml.org metalshoppe.com

    (that the above sites are not really existant. They are for purposes of illustration only)

    NOTE: An entry for "LOCALHOST" must exist so be sure to add this alias.

    This is a list of sites, hostnames and IPs that should be ignored. If a system in this list attempts to hit your system via SMTP it will be ignored.

    eg. make.money.fast.com spam.com

    (note that the above examples are not really existant. They are for purposes of illustration only)
  3. CNetIRC EDIT SERVER fixed. It was previously possible to specify a server number higher than that of the number of servers configured.
  4. TimeZone setting added to Config/defaults. Please set this attribute to the three letter abbreviation of your timezone (eg. CST, EST, etc.)
  5. Control received a new menuitem titled "cnsmtpd" under the menu "Internet" When selected, this menuitem will run the cnsmtpd task.

    NOTE: This menuitem requires that cnsmtpd be located in your CNET: directory.
  6. Added S=RUNSMTPD arg to Control. To have Control run cnSMTPd when it boots use the S arg as follows:

    run <>NIL: Control s
  7. Host Filter editing added to cnSMTPd. "SPAM" hosts can be added while sessions are in progress. Changes are saved to disk when the Host Filter window of cnSMTPd is closed. cnSMTPd doesn't apply the changes to sessions until they are saved to disk.
  8. CNetIRC now allows local "Everywhere" commands to be used.

    eg. /WHO
  9. CNetIRC status bar fixed in many key locations where it was not refreshing.
  10. CNetIRC now displays OLMs when received by the user's port rather than after quitting IRC.
  11. Amaint enforcer hit removed.

Changes/fixes for CNet v4.26j

  1. (This was just a quick bug-fix release consisting of mail-task, news-task and Config and their associated #?.wizard and #?.cd files.)
  2. Fixed some minor case inconsistencies in Config GUI.
  3. Mail-task and news-task GUIs reworked slightly to allow the windows to be compacted even more.
  4. Fixed a major Config ScreenMode bug that was causing TWO Config windows to open leaving one window open when Config was closed.

Changes/fixes for CNet v4.26i

  1. BBSList and associated amaint bbslist maintenance code re-written.
  2. CBase.library is no longer required for CNet/4. You may delete libs:cbase.library once you are satisfied that you will not be regressing to a version of CNet previous to v4.26i.
  3. Also note that because cbase is no longer used for amaint or bbslist, cbase.library is now obsolete.
  4. Fixed cnet.library's HNameToUUCP() bug which caused netmail/email to "sysop" to be bounced.
  5. Various Control Panel GUI fixes to optimize speed and correct visible quirks due to Control panel window sizing.
  6. CNet's Config GUI received a brand new look designed to enhance user-friendliness! Like all other CNet executables that are GUI-based, you must issue the command CD CNET: before running the new config. A new "Config" button has been added to the CNet Control panel to allow easy Config execution.

Changes/fixes for CNet v4.26h

  1. Fixed CNET:CLOSE command and added a new "ALL" argument. CLOSE ALL will close all ports one at a time when users logoff. CLOSE ALL HANGUP will close all ports and dump users immediately.
  2. Fixed Z search lockups when a file with > 8 line short file description is displayed.
  3. Various new Control GUI fixes. Please notify ZenMetal if there are any remaining quirks apparent. KNOWN BUG: sometimes, when Control is resized, a few gadgets are not refreshed. This includes the window SIZE gadget itself. The gadgets ARE still attached. Resizing the window again will make the gadget(s) re-appear. This is a StormWizard SCROLLER gadget bug which has been reported to HAAGE & PARTNER and will be fixed as soon as possible.
  4. Fixed cnfingerd which was not displaying any info to the querying remote user.

Changes/fixes for CNet v4.24f

  1. NOGMT arg added to NNTPGet to prevent NNTPGet from using the GMT keyword with servers that may not support it.


  2. Internet email addresses with a numeric digit in them are no longer treated as an invalid address.
  3. Local echo support added to cTelNet. Use "mode ECHO" within cTelNet to toggle local echo on/off.
  4. A Brand new GUI for Config with multiple window input and font sensitivity support.

Changes/fixes for CNet v4.24e

  1. CopySelf mail no longer generates two copies in SENTMAIL.
  2. Moving files around in BaseX: partitions is now smarter. The "Move to which partition?" prompt now defaults to the base partition with the most free bytes.
  3. Duplicate/identical GO keywords are now filtered out for GO arg display when "GO non_existant_go_arg" is used.
  4. Related to number (3) above, the subboard number for the "List, :, /, or Subboard#:" prompt default to the current sub. That is, the one you are moving files in. Fixes (3) and (4) allow for easier cross-partition file relocation in the same subboard.
  5. Door/list type subboards now fixed. Sysop maint users can see ALL items. Regular users see a list only of items they can access in a sequentially numbered list, with no "skips" in between numbering.
  6. Transpose is now a BBSMENU command in "1; Maintenance Menu" and also now accepts two arguments, a user account number and an access group number to do auto-transpose.

    eg. TRANSpose 1 31

    The above would assign account number 1 to access group 31.

    With auto-transpose, the only "priviledge flag" not lost is the "SuperUser" flag. All other flags, limits and priviledges are set to the newly assigned access group defaults.

    If no arguments are specified, then the normal transpose is initiated.

    NOTE: both arguments must be specified and MUST be numeric. No handle/name parsing is performed for auto-transpose.

  7. Mail-task GUI no longer flashes uncontrollably when minimized.
  8. Menu added to mail-task window to allow quitting of mail-task using Mail-Task/Quit menu.
  9. Mail-task menu added to allow selection of a custom font for mail-task's GUI display.
  10. Change in BBSTEXT line 802. (see !bbstext_stock)
  11. Added snapshot window position to mail-task menu.
  12. Fixed "Originally to:" line in FOrward Mail.
  13. System OLMs from mail-task now use the user's time form (eg. AM/PM or 24 hour) for OLM sending on receipt of new mail. Changes in bbstext lines 193, 200, 2136, 2137, 2152,
  14. User logon/logoff broadcast OLMs now use the user's time form also. Changes in BBSTEXT lines 83 and 153.
  15. User logon/logoff broadcast OLMs are now NOT sent to the port belonging to the user logging off.

Changes/fixes for CNet v4.24d

  1. Added text/menu reload from remote (RT) to maintenance section of BBSMENU. Changes in BBSTEXT lines 1762-1764.
  2. GUI display added to mail-task. Arguments to mail-task are as follows:


    I/ICONIFY = tell mail-task to run with it's GUI in "menufied" mode. That is, the "tools" menu of Workbench will have a file-task menu and, when activated, mail-task will open it's GUI. (may not yet be implemented)

    N/NOGUI = Tell mail task not to use a GUI interface. All text to be output will be sent to the current output stream (eg. the current CLI/Shell).

    There are 6 items of information displayed:

    TOTAL: this is the number of total mails processed since mail-task was started.

    BOUNCED: the number of mails that were bounced back to the sender for various reasons, detailed in the return report. In future, the bounced mail report will also be "carboned" to the sysop so that he/she is aware of any problems that might be immediately repairable.
    LOCAL: the number of mails saved to local users since mail-task has been running.

    NET: the number of combined netmail and internet email sent since mail-task has been running.

    STATUS: the current status of mail-task, whether idle, or processing.

    There is also a buffer window/listview to allow the sysop to scroll back and view the activities carried out my mail-task.


    RESET DISPLAY Clears the buffer window and all mail-task mail counters.

    MENUFY (may not yet be implemented) allows you to (iconify) the GUI a "Menufied" state.

    Quit closes down mail-task. Please note that your system will not process any mail if mail-task is not running!

    CLOSE WINDOW (may not be implemented yet) allows you to iconify GADGET the mail-task GUI to an AppIcon state.

  3. MailForward fixed and now does not let the user edit an item as it is forwarded.
  4. Added ARexx command "reloadtext" to CNet Arexx ports CNETREXXp to allow Rexx scripts to force Control to reload bbstext/menu/charges, where "p" is the portnumber.
  5. Various fixes to ARexx commands that were holding a lock on files. (ie. RexxLoadEditor, RexxSaveEditor, RexxCallEditor, etc,.)
  6. New cnetgui.library added. This library will expand to contain the functions necessary to create the CNet graphical user interfaces. Currently, as of v4.24d, this library contains only the function CNGTextWidth() which, given a string and a TextAttr structure, returns the width of the text string in pixels. See cnetgui_pragmas.h and cnetgui.h for the function prototype(s).