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Trapped II - Logo

The Story continues ! This is the follow up of last year's successful Trapped, which is also still available. Look at the adress below !
Trapped II is a 3D-Dungeon RPG with lots of features like a high-end 3D-Engine, lots of powerfull spells, items and several different polygon monsters. Also lots of innovative graphical special effects are included, like Lens-Flares, sloping floors, realtime texture generating and lots more...


TRAPPED 2 is available now !

Place your order now and get soon this stunning 3D-Game !

Order at:

New Generation Software
Haarmeierskamp 6
D-49586 Neuenkirchen

Tel.: 05465/ 99 23

Attention: Order per Mail is only possible, if you live inside germany !!!

Wenn Sie in Deutschland leben, k�nnen Sie Trapped II auch HIER bestellen. ACHTUNG: Bestellung ist hier nur per Nachnahme (+10 DM) m�glich !!!


Here some nice screenshots to give you a first Impression, how Trapped II looks, some extra features like the mirror or polygon-monsters are also here.... Great, or what !?

Trapped II Screenshot
Trapped II Screenshot
Mhmmmm, I´m looking good :-)

..there has to be an exit somewhere..

Trapped II Screenshot
Trapped II Screenshot
What´s that red thing, following me ?
Maybe there is something at the end...

Here´s a list of new Features since Trapped 1:

Shooting options, mirrors, jumping, much more intelligent enemys, more dynamic traps, diagonalfloors/walls, 60 frame animated polygon monsters, bigger scalable 3D-window and much more!!

Minimum System Requirements:

68020 CPU and 1MB Chip/4MB FastRAM, a CD-Rom - that´s all you need !

Supported Extra Hardware and what it means for you:

Features for the Game
64 Colors EHB, nothing more to say.
256 Colors, faster than OCS/ZorroII-GFX-Boards
256 Colors on OCS / ECS !
Picasso96 comp. GFX-Board
256 Colors, Speed Improvement with ZorroIII-Boards. CyberVision3D - owners must use the Picasso96-Emulation, which is available on the Aminet !
more than 4 MB FastRam
it´s simple: more Ram = more Speed ! Trapped 2 uses up to 32 MB !!!
68040/060 CPU
Behind the normal speedgain, Trapped 2 includes some extra routines for more speed on these CPU´s !

Trapped 2 - Demo Version:

To get the latest Demoversion, click here to get a copy directly from the Aminet.

Reviews & Tests:

If you want to read a review about the Trapped II demoversion: Review at Amiga Nutta or Review at AGIMA.

The Author:

The creator of this great Game is TTS of OXYRON. If you have suggestions for Trapped 2, some comments or other feedback ,here is his e-mail adress: michael@microdata.de