Amiga 4000 Video Slot Pinout

Amiga 2000/3000/4000 Video Slot Pinout

The Amiga 4000's video slot is set up to handle 24-bit RGB and therefore differs physically from the 2000/3000 video slot.
Standard Video Slot       Extended Video Slot
Pin  Signal               Pin  Signal
 1   Reserved              1   Ground
 2   Reserved              2   Red Bit 4
 3   Left Audio Out        3   Red Bit 5
 4   Right Audio Out       4   Red Bit 6
 5   Reserved              5   Digital Ground
 6   +5VDC                 6   Green Bit 4
 7   Analog Red            7   Green Bit 5
 8   +5VDC                 8   Green Bit 6
 9   Video Ground          9   Digital Ground
10   +12VDC               10   Blue Bit 5
11   Analog Green         11   Blue Bit 6
12   Video Ground         12   Ground
13   Video Ground         13   Sync-On-Green Indicator
14   CSYNC___             14   50/60Hz Software Clock Timebase
15   Analog Blue          15   7.09/7.16 MHz Clock
16   XCLKEN___            16   Printer Port Paper Out
17   Video Ground         17   3.55/3.58 MHz Clock
18   Burst Gate           18   Printer Port Busy
19   C4 CLOCK___          19   Light Pen Input
20   Video Ground         20   Printer Port Acknowledgemnt Handshake
21   Video Ground         21   Printer Port Select
22   HSYNC___ (47 Ohm)    22   Digital Ground
23   B0 = DI              23   Printer Data Bit 0
24   Video Ground         24   Printer Data Bit 1
25   B3 = DB              25   Printer Data Bit 2
26   VSYNC__ (47 Ohm)     26   Printer Data Bit 3
27   G3 = DG              27   Printer Data Bit 4
28   Comp Sync (Analog)   28   Printer Data Bit 5
29   R3 = DR              29   Printer Data Bit 6
30   PIXELSW (47 Ohm)     30   Printer Data Bit 7
31   -5VDC                31   LED (audio filter bypass) Setting
32   Video Ground         32   Digital Ground
33   XCLK                 33   Raw Audio Left
34   C1 CLOCK___          34   Audio Ground
35   Reserved             35   Raw Audio Right
36   Strobe               36   Audio Ground

     Amiga 4000 Only      37   reserved
                          38   reserved
                          39   Digital Ground
                          40   Digital Ground
                          41   reserved
                          42   reserved
                          43   Digital Ground
                          44   Digital Ground
                          45   Red Bit 2
                          46   Red Bit 3
                          47   Green Bit 0
                          48   Green Bit 1
                          49   Green Bit 2
                          50   Green Bit 3
                          51   Blue Bit 0
                          52   Blue Bit 1
                          53   Blue Bit 2
                          54   Blue Bit 3

-Amiga DB23 Video Port