National Amiga Specials 960919

Week of September 19th, 1996 (960919)

All pricing in Canadian Dollars.

                      B I T S   F R O M   G R E G
* I know it's been a while since I put one of these out, but
  I just didn't want to come back from vacation :)   Yes, I did have a
  good time.. A great time. The falls are worth the trip :)
* Some very promising things have happened with National Amiga over the
  last week. Look for the turn about of these changes in November.
* Check out the on-line orderform! The web-site now has an orderform
  right there on-line for you to enter all of the information
  needed for me to send you a product. A MUST USE!
* MANY Phase5 products are in stock!
* NO the CyberVision64/3D has STILL not been released. As soon as it is,
  I will blitz that out.
* AmigaDOS 3.1 Kits are in stock. I don't sell just the ROMs.
  I only sell full, legal kits.
* Mark down AmigaFEST '96 on your calendars! It plans to be a big show.
* I am looking for CanDo3. If anyone has one for sale,
  please let me know!


               * *   A M I G A   F E S T   ' 9 6   * * 
November 29, 30 and December 1st, 1996 are the dates for AmigaFest'96.
AmigaFest'96 will be within the huge COMPUTERFEST show that is held
each year. Computerfest attendance averages 350000 people. Imagine all
of these people walking by Amiga boothes. It will be busy! It will be
big! It will be worth going to!

National Amiga has plans to have one of the largest boothes there with
many many great deals on hardware and software.
               * *   A M I G A   F E S T   ' 9 6   * * 

                             G A M E S
Virtual Carting AGA...............................................$39.95
Watch Tower AGA...................................................$39.95
Touring Car Challenge.............................................$39.95
Enigma AGA (October '96)..........................................$49.95
Gnomes AGA (November '96).........................................$44.95
World Golf........................................................$39.95
F1 Licenceware CD - Over 100 Top Titles,games,utilities,tools.....$44.95
InTOS - Intution Extender For AMOS................................$29.95
Valhalla (1) Lord Of Infinity.....................................$49.95
Valhalla (2) Before The War.......................................$49.95
Valhalla (3) Fortress Of Eve......................................$59.95
Hillsea Lido......................................................$49.95
TimeKeepers Expansion Disk........................................$29.95

         A M I G A D O S   3 . 1   K I T S   I N   S T O C K  !
AmigaDOS 3.1 A3000...............................................$219.95 *
AmigaDOS 3.1 A500/2000...........................................$189.95 *

                       N E W   H A R D W A R E
Electrohome C34 14" 15K-40K Monitor..............................$699.95+
Toshiba TIMM 20" Multimedia Monitor..............................$899.95
Warp Engine 4040 040-40Mhz with SCSI-II FAST....................$1199.95

                  2 2 3 2   S E R I A L   C A R D S
I have a LARGE quantity of Commodore 2232 7-port Serial Cards in stock
right now for $45.00. They include two cables and extras are available.
Great for those multimedia applications that require serial control
of other devices (IE: Touch screens, video disk players, VTRs, modems)
Please note, each port peaks out at 19200.

                                                     IN STOCK for $45.00 *

                   P H A S E   5   I N   S T O C K 
CyberStorm MkII 060-50MHz for A3000/4000........................$1249.95 *
CyberStorm SCSI Kit....................................not yet available
Blizzard 2060 060-50MHz with SCSI for A2000.....................$1249.95 *
Blizzard 1230-IV 030-50MHz for A1200.............................$349.95 *
Blizzard 1260 060-50MHz for A1200...............................$1199.95 *
Blizzard 1230/1260 SCSI Kit......................................$229.95 *
Any 040 Card From Phase5...............................not yet available
CyberVision64/3D.......................................not yet available

                               R A M
1 Meg of 256k ZIPs (3000T chip ram)...............................$40.00 *
4 Meg 1x32 72-pin SIMM 60ns.......................................$39.00 *
8 Meg 2x32 72-pin SIMM 60ns.......................................$69.00 +
16 Meg 4x32 72-pin SIMM 60ns.....................................$129.95 +
32 Meg 8x32 72-pin SIMM 60ns.....................................$239.00 +

     I N T A N G I B L E   A S S E T S   M A N U F A C T U R I N G
DiskSalv 4...THE Disk Recovery Program............................$64.95 *
MR Backup v2.5....................................................$79.95 *
Death Bed Vigil T-Shirts!.........................................$39.95 *
Connect Your Amiga  NEW EDITION!..................................$37.95 *

            All these items are in stock and ready to go!

               C O N S I G N M E N T   E Q U I P M E N T
Video Toaster Flyer  BRAND NEW!.................................$5300.00 +
Sunrise Industries AD512 Audio Card..............................$900.00 +
1 GIG Seagate HAWK A/V Rated.....................................$400.00 +
Retina Z3........................................................$500.00 +
Toaster Oven.....................................................$900.00 +

         P R E V I O U S L Y   E N J O Y E D   S O F T W A R E
Lightwave 3.5 Standalone.........................................$450.00 +
Real 3D 2........................................................$150.00 *
ProWrite 3........................................................$35.00 *

     U S E D   H A R D W A R E  -   3 0   D A Y   W A R R A N T Y 
Commodore 2091 SCSI Interface 0k..................................$80.00 *
Commodore 2630 030-25 882  with 4 meg RAM........................$300.00 *
Commodore A3070 External 150 Meg Tape Drive (YES! A Real one!)...$120.00 *
Commodore 2232 7-port Serial Card.................................$45.00 *
Commodore 2058 RAM Card with 4 Meg...............................$175.00 *
Supra WordSync SCSI 2000 no soft..................................$50.00 *
Chinon Floppy Drive for A500/2000/3000 (no, they are not HD's)....$65.00 *
AdRAM 540 4 Meg card for A500 0k..................................$75.00 *
MiniMegs 2 Meg RAM For A500.......................................$50.00 *
Commodore 3640 Accelerator for A3000/4000  (REV3.1)..............$400.00 +
Amiga 3000T Computer  EMAIL FOR DETAILS!........................$1100.00 *

Toaster 2000 Card................................................$550.00 *
AD1012 12-bit Digital Audio Card (no software/manual)............$100.00 *

Quantum 40 Meg SCSI Drive.........................................$30.00 *
Quantum 40 Meg IDE Drive..........................................$20.00 *
SyQuest SQ-555R 44 Meg SCSI Removable Media Drive................$100.00 *
Quantum 540 Fireball SCSI Hard-Drive.............................$225.00 +
Quantum 850 Trailblazer SCSI Hard-Drive..........................$325.00 +

* All prices with a * beside them mean they are in stock and ready to
  ship right away.

+ All prices with a + beside them mean they are available next
  business day.

> All other prices are updates, or just new products that have been
  made available.

> When emailing us an order, please include what you are ordering
  and your address/phone number.. We need both in the same message
  to process and keep track of your request.

All prices in Canadian dollars. Pricing and availability subject to
change without notice. Ask for our terms and policies. 
Currency conversion is available from our web page.

References around the world.

Greg Scott -------------------------------------------------------------
National Amiga  -  Amiga Products and Services International
1229 Marlborough Ct. Box 1401 Oakville, Ontario, CANADA, L6H3B6  IRC: _NAN  NACb

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