National Amiga Specials 960130

Week of January 30th, 1996 (960130)

                  National Amiga Updates And Specials
                          January 30th, 1996

                    All pricing in Canadian dollars.

                      B I T S   F R O M   G R E G
* I seem to be doing a lot of used hardware these days, so if you have
  anything that you want to get rid of, please, just ask!
  I might just take it!
* New books, old books. People asked for books, so I did some digging.
* Phase5 pricing has come down, but still delay problems.
  No 060's for any machine at this moment.
* DKB Mongoose's are still backordered.
* RAM has REALLY dropped in price over the last month. If you have
  been waiting to add another 4 meg of so on to your machine,
  now is the time to do it!
* Tax season is here and dataTAX '95 will be shipping this week.
  Yes, I will even carry the PC version if you are interested :)
* If you are interested in a Quantum 730 Meg SCSI-II drive for $239.95,
  let me know! I am working on a bulk order for these.
* Remember! I trade ZIPs for SIMMs! Meaning you gimme ZIPs,
  I give you SIMMs! Perfect for those with WarpEngines in their 3000's.

                   B R U C E - S M I T H   B O O K S
Gamer's Guide.....................................................$32.95
Insiders Guide Disks 'n Drives....................................$39.95
Insiders Guide A1200..............................................$39.95
Insiders Guide Assembler..........................................$49.95
Mastering Amiga: AREXX............................................$49.95
Mastering Amiga: Beginners........................................$49.95
Mastering Amiga: Programming Secrets..............................$44.95
Mastering Amiga: Systems..........................................$49.95
Mastering AmigaDOS 2 Volume 2.....................................$44.95
Mastering AmigaDOS 3 Reference....................................$49.95
Mastering AmigaDOS 3 Tutorial.....................................$49.95
Mastering AmigaDOS Scripts........................................$49.95
Next Steps A1200..................................................$39.95
Sim City Hiny Book................................................$29.95
Total Amiga Assembler.............................................$49.95
Total Amiga Workbench.............................................$49.95
Total AmigaDOS....................................................$49.95
Workbench 3 A-Z...................................................$44.95

                    I N   S T O C K   S O F T W A R E
Directory Opus 5..................................................$99.95
MegaBall 4........................................................$29.95
AmiFileSafe Professional..........................................$99.95
AmiFileSafe User..................................................$59.95

                          D A T A T A X   ' 9 5
dataTAX '95 Amiga.................................................$44.95
dataTAX '95 PC....................................................$24.95
dataTAX FORMS CD-ROM Contains just about every tax form needed....$34.95

                   N E W   P H A S E 5   P R I C I N G
Blizzard 1230-IV.................................................$399.95
Blizzard 1230/1260 SCSI Option...................................$229.95
Blizzard 1260 060 for 1200......................................$1399.95
Blizzard 2060 060 for 2000 with SCSI Interface..................$1399.95
CyberStorm DMA SCSI-II Interface for MkII........................$359.95
CyberStorm MkII 060 for A3000/4000..............................$1399.95
CyberVision64 - 2 Meg............................................$689.95
CyberVision64 - 4 Meg............................................$899.95

There is still a delay time on these products, but it shouldn't be
months and months like it was before.

               N E W   H A R D - D R I V E   P R I C I N G
Quantum 850 Meg SCSI-II Trailblaizer Drive, 128k CACHE, 14ms.....$299.95
IBM 1 GIG SCSI-II................................................$399.95
Conner 1 GIG SCSI-II Hard-Drive 128k cache, 11ms.................$419.95
Conner 2 GIG SCSI-II Hard-Drive..................................$929.95
Quantum 850 Meg IDE Trailblaizer Drive, 128k CACHE, 14ms.........$299.95
Quantum 1.2 GIG IDE..............................................$349.95
Maxtor 1.6 Gig IDE...............................................$399.95
Seagate 2.1 GIG IDE..............................................$549.95

                     N E W   R A M   P R I C I N G
32 Meg 72-pin 60ns SIMM...........................................$email
16 Meg 72-pin 60ns SIMM..........................................$629.95
16 Meg 72-pin 70ns SIMM..........................................$519.95
8 Meg 72-pin 60ns SIMM...........................................$289.95
8 Meg 72-pin 70ns SIMM...........................................$269.95
4 Meg 72-pin 70ns SIMM...........................................$159.95
1 Meg 30-pin 70ns SIMM............................................$49.95
4 Meg 30-pin 70ns SIMM...........................................$169.95
1x1 Megabit 70ns DRAM.....................................per chip $9.95
256x4 (44256) 60ns DRAM...................................per chip $8.95
CPU Fans..........................................................$14.95

    U S E D   H A R D W A R E   -   3 0   D A Y   W A R R A N T Y
                   *   A L L   I N   S T O C K   *
Quantum 50 Meg SCSI Hard-Drive....................................$40.00
170 Meg SCSI Hard-Drive 5.25"HH (makes a little noise)............$60.00
AmigaDOS 3.1 Kit 500/2000........................................$145.00
SupraModem 2400 (used, no power supply)...........................$20.00
MicroBotics 1200Z RAM Expansion 68881FPU/clock for A1200.........$125.00
Commodore 2091 SCSI Interface....................................$125.00
Commodore 2091 SCSI Interface with 2 meg RAM.....................$175.00
Commodore 2091 SCSI Interface with 2 meg RAM and 50 Meg Drive....$200.00
Commodore 2620 68020 Accelerator for A2000 (2 meg RAM, 881FPU)...$175.00
Commodore 2088 XT BridgeBoard with 5.25" drive (no software/man)..$30.00
Commodore 2088 XT BridgeBoard with no drive and no software/man...$15.00
Commodore 2286 AT BridgeBoard with 5.25" drive (software).........$80.00
Commodore 2286 AT BridgeBoard with 3.5" drive (software)..........$90.00
Commodore 2060 Arcnet Card with 2M cable, terminators and T.......$89.95
Commodore 2232 7-port Serial Card (coming soon)..................$199.00

                       U S E D   S O F T W A R E
A2000 Professional................................................$45.00
 Spreadsheet, Database, WordPro, PageSetterII, Paint, Music,
 MediaShow and CrossDOS
Final Copy II.....................................................$25.00
Final Copy........................................................$15.00
Photon Cel Animator...............................................$15.00

                           U S E D   B O O K S
Amiga Programmers Handbook........................................$15.00
Amiga Programmers Handbook Volume II..............................$15.00
Amiga System Programmers Guide....................................$10.00
Advanced System Programmers Guide for the Amiga...................$10.00
Amiga For Beginners...............................................$10.00
Amiga 2.x ROM Kernel Reference: Libraries.........................$30.00
Amiga 2.x ROM Kernel Reference: Devices...........................$30.00
Amiga 2.x ROM Kernel Reference: Includes and Autodocs.............$30.00

All prices in Canadian dollars. Pricing and availability subject to
change without notice. Ask for our terms and policies. Currency conversion
is available from our web page.