Week of August 28th, 1995 (950828)

Well, it's been a week since we went to the Amiga Convention in
Montreal. Since then the email and calls have been pouring in.
It's nice to know the the Amiga community is still going strong!

Phase5 (makers of the CyberStorm and CyberVision cards) have finally
replied to National Amiga directly regarding their current production
predicament. They assure us that all orders placed before this month
should be filled and shipped by the end of this month. Now that their
move is finished, production should be back on schedule and increased in
order to meet demand.

One CyberVision card has come through National Amiga already, and I can
attest to the quality in the workmanship. It's definately up to spec.

* Wire transfers are now available for our non-Canadian customers *

                   F E A T U R E D   P R O D U C T S 
Opus 5 (in stock!)...............................................$129.95
 The BEST directory utility around. Now can be used as a complete
 Workbench replacement.

Connect Your Amiga!...............................................$34.95
 Great book explaining how to connect your Amiga with other
 Amigas, PC's and Mac's.

Aminet 7 CD-ROM (expected this week)..............................$39.95
 The ever popular ftp site instantly available from CD-ROM.
 Again, new and updated from the previous disc.

MicroR&D #3: Publishers Companion (2 left!).......................$34.95
 600 Amiga bitmapped fonts. 670 PostScript Fonts, 670 CompuGraphic
 fonts. 1200 EPS clipart images. 1800 b/w IFF clipart images.
 PERFECT for users of FinalWriter, PageStream, ProPage, and LightWave.

FreshFish Volume 8 (1 left!)......................................$39.95
 Double CD-ROM pack. 

MultiFace IV.....................................................$194.95
 2 115k Serial Ports and 2 Double-buffered Parallel ports all on
 1 half length ZorroII card. Has a LIFETIME WARRANTY from the
 manufacture. Look on our web site for comparrisons.

Amiga Envoy.......................................................$74.95
 The integrated Amiga networking solution! Compatible with
 all SANA-II compliant networking devices.

Eklipse Mouse (restocked).........................................$29.95
 2 button replacement mouse for any Amiga.

FinalWriter 4....................................................$159.95
 Due out to National Amiga by the middle of September!

Ami-FileSafe................................................coming soon!
 No more corrupt disks! Faster than FFS! Parallel access! Effecient
 use of disk space! MultiUserFS support (in Pro version)
 > We are talking with the company now about importing AFS.
 > We need to know just what kind of demand there is for the product.
 > So if you are interested... Please let us know!

                         H A R D - D R I V E S 
Quantum 730 meg SCSI-II Lightning Drive, 128k CACHE, 11ms........$339.95
Quantum 850 meg SCSI-II Trailblaizer Drive, 128k CACHE, 14ms.....$399.95
Quantum 540 meg IDE Maverick Drive, 128k CACHE, 14ms.............$269.95
Quantum 730 meg IDE Lightning Drive, 128k CACHE, 11ms............$319.95
Quantum 850 meg IDE Trailblaizer Drive, 128k CACHE, 14ms.........$339.95

Connor 1.275 Gig IDE Hard-Drive..................................$489.95
Connor 1.275 Gig SCSI-II Hard-Drive..............................$589.95
Maxtor 1 Gig IDE Hard-Drive......................................$459.95

* National Amiga carries a WIDE range of cables. Anything from
* parallel, serial, video, extension, adaptors, gender changes, even
* solder couple ends. SCSI and IDE ribbon cables.. We are working
* on finding 23-pin headers for making Amiga RGB and disk-drive
* cables. If you need something custom made up, let us know!

All applicable taxes and shipping must be added. All prices in Canadian
dollars. Ask for our policies and terms.

* I am also looking for a 1200, perferably with at least a 40 meg
* hard-drive. Let me know if you have one for sale/trade.