May 25th, 1995 (950525)

First, a word from NoahJi's, the manufacture of Retina, VLab, Tocatta, and soon the Draco Amiga Clone:

"Certainly the trend in the computer industry is more, better and faster, for cheaper. It's a rarity to see prices head north. We don't treat this matter lightly, as our plan was to always have stable and reliable pricing. The (US) dollar has fallen over 25% in value against the (German) Mark since we began NoahJi's. We find ourselves in the impossible situation of selling some items for below cost. Thus, we are forced to raise our prices."

If you place your order BEFORE Wednesday, May 31st, 1995 you can get the items at the current price. Otherwise, the new (higher) prices come into effect. The price of Draco get's scarier..

                            N O A H   J I ' s
                                                 Price Now    Price June
VLab Motion Card..................................$2045.95      $2365.95
VLab Motion System (VLab & Tocatta)...............$2495.95      $2895.95
VLab Motion System (VLab/Tocatta/Retina Z3).......$3495.95      $3995.95
VLab Motion System (VLab/Tocatta/Retina Z2).......$3195.95      $3595.95
VLab Y/C Digitizer.................................$549.95       $669.95
VLab Y/C External Digitizer........................$599.95       $724.95
Retina Z3 Graphics Card 4 Meg......................$999.95      $1214.95
Retina Z2 Graphics Card 4 Meg......................$654.95       $769.95
Retina External Switcher (Z2,Z3)...................$199.95       $219.95
Retina Internal Encoder (Z3)........................$99.95       $129.95
Tocatta 16-bit Audio Card..........................$559.95       $659.95
XI Paint Version 3.0...............................$249.95       $289.95

                 N E T W O R K I N G   P R O D U C T S
AmigaLink Starter Kit, 2 nodes (any Amiga, disk drive port) .....$349.95
AmigaLink Single Node (any Amiga with a disk drive port).........$169.95
Commodore 2060 Arcnet Cards..(taking orders)......................$89.95

PARNET CABLE................................................ ONLY $15.00
 Link your 2 Amiga's together with this ever popular peer-to-peer
 networking package.

      U S E D   H A R D W A R E  -  3 0   D A Y   W A R R A N T Y
GVP ioExtender...1 Serial, 1 Parallel............................$149.95
RocGen Genlock...................................................$239.95
Nucleus's Personal SFC...........................................$449.95
Digi-View 4.0.....................................................$89.95
A1010 External Drives.............................................$69.95
Syncro Express Hardware Copier....................................$49.95
Fusion Forty 68040 Accelerator For A2000 with 8 meg RAM.........$1149.95
Commodore 2286 BridgeBoard (used, Janus 2.1, 5.25"HD drive).......$89.95
Amiga 3000T-030, 2 Meg CHIP, 4 Meg FAST, 120 Meg Hard-Drive.....$1695.95

AmigaDOS 2.1 (ROM, Disks, Manuals)...............................$129.95
AmigaDOS 2.0 (ROM, Disks, 1 copy only)............................$89.95