Ben's Home Page

Well looks like you've stumbled upon my little old home page all about me, why anyone would want to know about me I'll never know?
Anyhow for those of you who are interested he be a little bit of info on the infamous BenG (thats me that is) here it is! By the way take all this with a pinch of salt.

     Name:  Ben Gaunt
      DOB:  25-March-71
      Sex:  Male

Education:  Kingston College - HND in Computing
            Richmond College - Science Access in Physics
            and a load of other minor bits'n'bobs.

Employment: At the present moment in time I'm employed by Kingston College
            and Kingston University (Kingston College being the better
            employer - but I didn't say that).
            Currently working on the Kingston College web page, which is
            great fun. Might as well say while your here that I'm available
            to design web pages for a modest fee. And I'll think you will
            find my designs to be rather tasty (well ya gotta blow ya own
            trumpet now and again). If your interested take a look at the
            Pickled Fish pages.

       Pet: One Cat knowen as Sam, he's sort of a English Blue with yellow
            eyes, for any single femail cats are reading this,
            (Picture to follow soon).

 Computers:         Own: Amiga A1200/030+ and an IBM thingy...
            Use at Work: Mac's and IBM's

            Spose I better rave a bit about the Amiga, after all it's the
            best home computer in the world. Something most of Europe has
            known for years, sadly the rest of the world isn't catching on.
            Oh well if you want to be stuck on that old 70's IBM thingy thats
            your loss, but if you want to join the X-Generation its time to
            wise up and get an Amiga! I mean a real Amiga not one of those
            old A500's that were build in the 80's. Thats like saying a
            286 is still top. Here be a little bit of truth, AmigaOS can be
            loaded in under 300k! Thats a full GUI that has multitasking!
            Now whats the minimum for a PC.... Nuff said!
            Amiga Rulez! PC suxs, MACs are OK but their memory management
            suxs big time.

Contacting: Well you can contact me in so many wonderful ways but here are
            just a few.

            InterNet Email:
                   FidoNet: erm can't rember this number?

                 Modem/BBS: Channel X BBS +44 (0)181 943 5187
                            The above BBS is run by me 24hrs a day and its
                            one of the most popular BBS in the UK, honest!

                       IRC: You can catch me on undernet on the channels
                            #amiga #xenolink #amigacafe most weekends.

        Voice Phone Number: To follow soon!

Oh well Thats about all for now, well until I have some more free time to rant and rave about things that no one wants to read about. Adios!
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