Channel X BBS
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Channel X BBS the birth place of Miggybyte and the WHQ. All Miggybyte issues are online and are FREE downloads.

Channel X started as a bit of fun when I was at college. I first used MAXs BBS software, as its free. Then as the BBS became popular I splashed out on Xenolink BBS software and the rest as they say is history.

Miggybyte sprung from Channel X BBS and was originally going to be called Byte, but as most of you know there is an American mag called this. Then one day a bloke calling himself Sigma Alpha showed up on the BBS and started waffling on about what a god he was in the Amiga world (which all turned out to be total bullshit), anyhow he came out with why not call the mag MiggyMag. So as you can see it soon became Miggybyte.

Channel X has many file and Fido echo's your find the file base is updated on a daily basis. Also many extra files that arn't on AmiNet.

If you need help with Xeno or want a door programmed for Xeno just ask and I'd be only too happy to help, if I can that is.
So why not give me a call on,

Channel X BBS +44 (0)181 943 5187

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Contact: MAILBOX Ben Gaunt, Editor Miggybyte for more information,

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