Version: V0.7 Requirements: DarkNESs Emulator Author: Bent Fosse
This is a front end for use with the DarkNESs emulator. It allows you to set various functions by simply clicking on the interface. You can easily load ROMs from a simple file requester.

If you use DarkNESs quite a bit, you must use this to make your life that much easier.

Version: V1.8 Requirements: O.S 2.0+, Some Emulators, 50K RAM Author: Kelly Samel
This program allows you to run 9 emulators, simply by clicking on an icon. The supported systems so far are:- GameBoy, NES, Master System, MSX, MAC, Apple II, Atari VCS, Spectrum and C64. If you have emulators in many different directories, it certainly makes starting them easier.

Now includes a simple preferences editor, which allows you to simply select the required emulator you want to run from the system icon, just by selecting it from a fileselector. I look forward to any updates and would recommend this if you run a lot of emulators, as more are being added all the time.

The Atari VCS support allows you to select the game you wish to play from a file requester, So you don't have to type it in from CLI any more.

Version: V0.10p Requirements: O.S 2.0+ & Reqtools Author: Rodney Norton
This launcher supports 3 emulators at the moment: AmigaVGB, DarkNESs and Mastergear. You can't set much at the moment, Only select emulator and ROM file to load. The author hopes to support more emulators soon.