Version: Prototype 6 (27-Sep-97) Requirements: Any Amiga Author: Ridwan Hughes
This emulator has 3 differen versions, Custom screen, Workbench and interlace Workbench/GFX card users.
It is still at a very early stage and so only a few functions work.

Version: ?? Requirements: Any Amiga Author: Fernando Amaral
I have been unable to test this, as you need the cando.library.

Version: V0.53 Requirements: Any Amiga Author: Balrog
This emulator starts of with just an egg and you watch your new cyber pet be born. Most functions work like they are supposed to and looks promising. You can now save and load your progress with your pet and there are preferences you can now set.
This looks the most promising emulator and I look forward to any updates.

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