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APPLE 2000 This emulator faithfully emulates the Apple II and to gain full speed all you need is a 68020 @28MHZ. If you have a faster processor you can select 4 different speed options 50-200%, So you can slow the action down or speed it up. There is also an option to turn off speed checking to run the emulator as fast as your Amiga can handle.

The emulator supports loading of normal prog files and also disk images and is all done through a normal file requester. If you ever had an Apple II and wish to play those old games, then this is a good emulator to get.


I have been unable to get this to run properly and all the error messages are not in English.

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Atari 800
This is an Atari 800, 800/XL, 130/XE and 5200 emulator. It is reported to run slow even on an 68030 50MHZ. To run this emulator you also need to get hold of the ROM images and details are in the archive.

You can get hold of a copy from Aminet - a800v060.lzh

Games files to download!

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Atari 800
This is an Atari 800, 800/XL, 130/XE and 5200 emulator. It is reported to run slow even on an 68030 50MHZ. To run this emulator you also need to get hold of the ROM images and details are in the archive.

You can get hold of a copy from Aminet - a800v060.lzh

Games files to download!

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This is just a joke emulator. It displays the ST's desktop and then just bombs out.

ST V2.40
I have been unable to test this emulator as it needs a copy of TOS to work.

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Abeeb This emulator emulates the BBC model B computer. Emulation can take place on 3 different screen modes, Full Size Window, 1/4 Size Window and PAL Screen.
All modes are emulated and also supports virtual disks. Loading files is done the same as on any BBC, except they use the amiga drives.
On an A1200 68030 @50MHZ emulation is very slow, so it is no use for games players unless you have a FAST Amiga. But it will be useful for any none game programs etc. For a first release this is very promissing and look forward to updates and hopefully speed increases!

Emulation Rating:
68030 @50MHZ ----- VERY SLOW

Abeeb is available for download from Aminet.

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A64 This version runs most games, but does not like games with split screens. Speed of emulation on an A1200 with 68030 @50MHZ is very good, but the program suffers a lot from sprite flickering. Not a bad emulator and is worth a look from any C64 fans.

Emulation Rating:
68030 @50MHZ ----- GOOD


This new version supports the 6581SID.library and now plays the game music. Sprites are not fully implemented yet and disappear from the screen. Speed is not that good on a 68030 @50MHZ and scrolling screens judder quite a bit.
This emulator is getting better, but it still has a long way to go before it is upto the standards of MagiC64 or Frodo.

Emulation Rating:
68030 @50MHZ ----- SLOW


Thanks to Johan Forsberg for the information on V4.0.

+ The most accurate c64 emulator.
+ Loads and saves T64, D64 and p00 files, as well as normal amiga files.
+ Now emulates 1541 processor. Not perfect, but about half the trackloading games work (Aliens, The Pawn ...)
+ Roms are now included.
- This is a direct recompile of the Unix/BeOS version.
- Emulator runs only on WB screen. WB screen must be set to 256 colors.
- Sound is only supported if you have AHI.
- Very, very, very slow (about 3-4 times slower than Frodo 2.4, about 20% c64 speed on my 040/25)

This version handles normal C64 Prg files and can load D64 files. Emulation is slow even on an A1200 with 68030 50MHZ.


This brilliant C64 emulator now includes a speed meter to give a percentage of the true running speed of the C64. MagiC64 handles all the different file formats and different sound emulations.
I am running it on an A1200 68030 50MHZ and can get a speed ratio of 80-90% with sound emulation running. Playsid.library uses about 10% more time than the 6581sid.library, so use the 6581 if you want sound.
The public release version only runs for 10 minutes, So if you like your C64 games this is a good Emulator to get.

Emulation Rating:
68030 @50MHZ ----- GOOD

ftp://arnold.hiof.no/games/ - Contains loads of C64 games to download.
C64 Rare Games
Bullwinkle's Arcade Classic C-64 Fan Page
Pokes for many C64 games (More soon, if you want them?).

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A-CPC This emulates the CPC-464, CPC-664 and CPC-6128.

I have been unable to test this emulator, as currently I have no software to test with it.


This emulator emulates the CPC 464/664 and 6128. The emulator handles all aspects of the computers and also handles sound, CPC floppy disk drive and also loads snapshot files.
Emulation on a 68030 &50MHZ is 84.5% of a real CPC and easily enables you to play games etc without it feeling too slow. The author has provided a sample disk with a few games and music programs to try out. There is even a copy of the 3D Platform game BATMAN included, which I have never played before.
If you want to relive the days of the CPC, then this emulator is definetly worth getting.

Emulation Rating:
68030 @50MHZ ----- GOOD

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SHAPE SHIFTER Review coming soon!

Try This Link

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AmiMSX This emulator has full MSX1 and MSX2 emulation. You can use normal MSX disks or even cartridge ROMs that have been saved to disk.
Emulation is very good and runs about twice as fast as fMSX. Only thing that is not supported is joysticks in the P.D version and you are restricted to 10 mins of time.
I am running it on an A1200 with 68030 @50MHZ and I have to slow the emulation down as it runs too fast.

Emulation Rating:
68030 @50MHZ ----- VERY GOOD


This emulator supports both MSX1 and MSX2 emulation. With V1.4 more MSX2 is supported and things have been speeded up quite a bit. On an 68030 @50MHZ, I can run at full speed when using the new stable TURBO mode. This update is cetainly welcome and the author hopes to add MSX+ emulation soon.
The emulator can load all the MSX game ROMs that are available, even the really BIG ones. As long as you select the correct ROM type you can get the game to run. A good option is you can save an ICON out for each game, so you don't have to remember the setup every time you want to play that game.
This emulator has no time limit and handles joysticks. Support is also handled for the CD32 pads and is very good for games that require two fire buttons. This emulator looks very promising and I look forward to any more updates.

Emulation Rating:
68030 @50MHZ ----- VERY GOOD

fMSX V1.4 is available on AMINET!!

MSX game catridges to download.

New Classics! ROM Images - Brand new ROMs for many old systems.

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Amoric I have been unable to get this emulator to run with any success. The games supplied load, but they do not run properly.
If you have got this emulator to work, then please let me know.

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This is just a joke PC emulator that is supposed to emulate a 486DX.


This PC emulator emulates a 586, and it comes in two versions, one for FPU equipped Amigas and one for non-FPU Amigas. The programs I have tested on it run okay and on a 68030 @50MHZ they run at a reasonable speed.
The setup options are very good and allow you to configure nearly everything. If you are after a PC emulator, this is worth a try.

Emulation Rating:
68030 @50MHZ ----- GOOD


This PC emulator now emulates the 486, and it also comes in two versions: Dynamic and Interpretive, The dynamic version is meant to be a lot faster and needs a lot of memory for the buffer space. On a 68030 @50MHZ the games I have tested have run okay and at a reasonable speed.
This seems to be a good emulator and as I get more programs to test, I will let you know the results. Unless you want to send me reports!

Emulation Rating:
68030 @50MHZ ----- GOOD


I have been unable to test this emulator as it does not detect my MSDOS Bootdisk in the drive.

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I have been unable to get any of the game images I have to work with this emulator. If you get this emulator to work, please let me kmow.

Plus4 programs to download!

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I have been unable to test this emulator, as I have no program files.

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I have been unable to test this emulator, as I have no program files.

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VIC-20 This emulator will run on all Amigas and includes two versions. One for the standard 68000 and one for 68020 and better.
The emulation is very good and runs most games available.
You can find a copy on Aminet.

Emulation Rating:
68030 @50MHZ ----- GOOD

Games for use with this emulator to download!

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ZXAM There are four versions of this emulator, AGA and Non-AGA and also a faster version of each. The emulator runs all games and also handles a variety of different file formats.
Speed of emulation is very good and even runs reasonably on a plain A1200. But with a 68030 @50MHZ it runs easily at full speed and could even run 2 games at the same time.

Emulation Rating:
68030 @50MHZ ----- EXCELLENT


I have been unable to get this Emulator to run with any success. If anyone has and can give a report on it then please do!

Download ZXSpectrum4.71.lha


This is a new emulator and runs very well on an 68030 @50MHZ and there is also support for the lower end Amigas.
The program does not support joysticks for the moment, but you can still play the games from the keyboard. Only one file format is supported and that is the .sna or .snapshot format.
This emualtor is easily as good as the ZXAM one and it is still only a beta version. I look forward to seeing any updates to this new emulator.

Emulation Rating:
68030 @50MHZ ----- EXCELLENT


This emulator emulates the 48K ZX Spectrum. This emulator can handle many file formats and is on a par with ZXAM. The only trouble is on a 68030 @50MHZ it runs TOO fast. There is no speed limitation and makes a lot of games unplayable.
If a speed limiter is implemented then this will be a very good emulator. I await to see any updates.

Emulation Rating:
68030 @50MHZ ----- EXCELLENT (But TOO Fast!)

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