AMame AMAME020.LZX (168282 bytes) - SHIFT click to download!

This is a port of the Multi Arcade Machine Emulator from the P.C. The latest version includes a GUI to allow you to load the games, but I have had trouble scrolling the games list and cannot load GYRUSS as the file selector is off the bottom of my screen. The GUI is very limited at the moment. Also you cannot bypass the GUI by entering commands from the CLI in previous versions. I hope these problems will be sorted soon, as it is a good emulator.

There is now sound emulated on some of the games, But on a 68030 @50MHZ it is not emulated correctly. The speed of the gameplay even on a 68030 @50MHZ is VERY SLOW, but using the PatchWPA8 program it does speed things up quite a bit. As from V0.19 there is now a framerate indicator, so you can see how fast the emulator is running.

The number of games that are emulated is massive and it grows with every update. If you are into arcade games then you can't go much wrong with a copy of this.

List Of Games Currently Emulated On The Amiga.

GRAPHICSGood - Graphics seem well emulated.
SOUNDGood - Most games have sound.
EASE OF USEOkay - Has very limited GUI.

Version: V0.29.0 (24-Oct-97) Requirements: 68030 or 68040, Lots of FAST memory Author: Mats Eirik Hansen
This is another port of MAME. This is of the latest version and supports all of the games that are supported by the P.C version. This comes in 2 versions, one for 68040's and one for 68030's.
The latest version supports over 250 games now (WOW!). The GUI has been improved and means you can set all options from it. There are options to save defaults to disk. Certain games now run slightly faster with some of the engines recoded, it would be nice to see some more optimizing so us 68030 owners could get a little more enjoyment out of it.
If you are an Arcade Game freak then you can't go wrong with a copy of this. I just wish the games could run a tad faster. I am glad to say that this port does support joysticks and also CD�� pads and as such, makes playing the games alot more enjoyable.
GRAPHICS: Good - Seems well emulated.
SOUND: Good - Most games have sound.
EASE OF USE: GOOD - Has easy to use GUI.

List Of Games Currently Emulated On The Amiga.

Atmospherical Heights M.A.M.E Page - Contains all the ROMs and samples to run on AMAME.

MAME Frequently Asked Questions

Version: V0.3� (13-Oct-97) Requirements: O.S 3.0+, 68020+ Author: Andrew Bennett
This is a brand new arcade emulator. The current version only runs Space Invaders and its clones. But the thing you notice about this emulator is the SPEED!. It is written in 100% assembly and the games have to be slowed down on my 030 to make them playable.
All games can be played from a joystick and use the same ROMs as the MAME ones, although you may have to rename some files. This is how Arcade emulators should be and I hope the author will add support for more games soon.
If MAME could be as fast as this it would be brilliant. But it does look like us Amiga owners will be getting some decent Arcade emulators now.
GRAPHICS: Good - Seems well emulated.
SOUND: Not implemented yet.
EASE OF USE: GOOD - Just click on icon and play.

Arcade Emulation - A complete list of all the Arcade emulators available for the PC.

Phils Arcade Emulation Page - List of Arcade Emulators for the PC.

Arcade Emulation Programming Repository - Source of information for programming Arcade Emulators.

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