
  • What's MAME?

    MAME is the short for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. As the word says with this program you can play several arcade games.

  • What are the ROMs?

    ROM images are the central piece of every arcade emulation project. Those files are still the intellectual property (that's the small line of print with a © or a ® in it) of someone else, probably some megacorp with lots of money to waste on attorneys and law suits.

  • Where can I find the ROMs?

    You will find no ROM files on this site. But if you know how to use ftpsearch and AltaVista, you'll surely have no problems to find 'em. And if you own an original board you can always use some eprom reader to get the images.

  • What should I use to compile MAME?

    MAME is compiled using DJGPP 2.01, a freeware C++ compiler for M$-DOS. Once you have the compiler working, you'll need the Allegro library, which also has an alternative link, and also the SEAL library from Egerter Software to get the sound to work.

  • So now that I got everything, how to build an emulator?

    Assembly knowledge of the original arcade processor is a good starting point. Lately Marat Fayzullin updated his Z80 and 6502 engines, and also wrote an 'emulator writing HOWTO' which is an interesting read for everyone wanting to write emulators. Be sure to check out his dedicated page here.

  • When I try to load mame it says I need CW*DPMI!

    No matter how many time I say this: there are so many good search engine, around, and following the links in this page will surely have flied you to the right location. Lazy people can't find it, so take it from here.

  • What are the official homepages for MAME versions?

    PC: http://lim.dsi.unimi.it/curr/mix/mame/index.htm
    MAC: http://www.primenet.com/~bradman/mame/
    UNIX: http://www.dit.upm.es/~jantonio/mame/
    AMIGA: http://www.students.uiuc.edu/~bw-evans/amiga.html

  • I can't seem to connect to the M.A.M.E. homepage, are there any alternatives?

    Yes, in fact nearly all arcade emulation pages seem to have it stored locally, here are some starters for you:

    Atmospherical Heights:

    Dave's Video Games Classics:

    The PC Arcade:

    Australian MAME Distribution Site:

    There are hundreds of sites more, but I know for a fact that these seem to carry it almost instantly since they receive new updates straight from the author himself.