The Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator

Many people helped with this project, either directly or by making source code available which I examined to write the drivers. I am not trying to appropriate merit which isn't mine. Here you can find my thanks and appreciations to the work of many people.
If you want to contribute to the MAME project submitting a driver or improving some other, you can send it to the following address:


Instead, if you have suggestions, bug fixes (not in source code form) or requests, send the to my standard e-mail address (or by a postcard to my snail-mail. I like to collect stamps! ;). I'm not sure to reply to anyone, but I read every message!
Finally, if you have an urgent important message for me and I'm on-line, you can try to talk me to the address mix@red.dsi.unimi.it.

I want to thank the following people who contribute to the project MAME:

  • Marcel de Kogel for his Z80Em Portable Zilog Z80 Emulator
  • Marat Fayzullin, Alex Krasivsky for their M6502 Emulator
  • David Hedley, Fabrice Frances for the 8086 Emulator
  • Allard van der Bas for starting the Arcade Emulation Programming Repository
  • Shawn Hargreaves for the Allegro Library
  • Carlos Hasan for the SEAL Synthetic Audio Library
  • Ville Hallik and Michael Cuddy for the AY-3-8910 emulator
  • Ron Fries for the POKEY emulator
  • Valerio Verrando and Robert Schmidt for the tweak modes used in MAME
  • Allan Van der Bas, Dick de Ridder and Juan Antonio Martinez for the UNIX port of MAME
  • Brad Oliver for the MAC port of MAME
  • Jonathan Belson for the AMIGA port of MAME

    Many people contributed with drivers, color palettes, precious informations on arcade hardware. They are too many for me to keep mantained this section of my page. Be sure to check the README.TXT file in MAME archive for a complete list.
    My personal greetings goes, in alphabetical order, to the following people:

  • Brad Oliver
  • Brad Thomas
  • Brian Levine
  • Conny Melin
  • Dave W.
  • Fabrice Frances
  • Gary Walton
  • Ivan Mackintosh
  • Jakob Frendsen
  • Jarek Burczynski
  • Marc LaFontaine
  • Michael Cuddy
  • Mike Coates
  • Nicola Salmoria
  • Richard Davies
  • Ron Fries
  • Ville Laitinen
  • To all emulator authors!
  • To all arcade lovers!