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Computer Games
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Software Development

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Apple Wizards! Apple/Mac Reviews, Humor, Tips and Commentary.
At Home Home Computing.
Byte The Premier Magazine of Computing.
CompuNotes PC Reviews, News, Interviews.
Computer Currents Interactive Resource for Real-World Computing.
ComputerLife A Ziff-Davis Zine.
Computer Programming? See: Software Development
Computerworld Information for Technology Leaders.
Computer Shopper Shopping, Product Reviews, News.
ComputorEdge Online Weekly Computer Magazine
Communications Week / Internet Week Networking and Communications.
GeekWeek For the Silicon-Powered Generation.
Inter@ctive Week Weekly News Zine.
MacTech Macintosh Development News.
MacToday The Alternative for Apple News and Gossip.
MacUser Mac News & Reviews.
MacWEEK Apple Weekly News Magazine.
OS/2 e-Zine! The on-line OS/2 magazine.
PC Graphics & Video Current and Past Issues
PC Portables PC Laptops: Tips, News, Technology.
PC Week Up-to-the Minute Computer News.
PC World A Leading Online Resource.
Peak Computing Magazine Updated Every Friday.
UNIX Review Advanced Operating Environments.
Windows NT Magazine News, Reviews, Tips.
Windows Sources Product Reviews and News.
Windows Magazine Windows 95 & NT
Table of Contents

Computer Games
Inside Mac Games The Premiere Macintosh Gaming magazine.
Next Generation M2, Mac, Nintendo, PC, PlayStation, Saturn.
PC Games Online! News and Previews of PC Games.
PC Multimedia & Entertainment Magazine Game News and Reviews.
VideoGameSpot Playstation, Nintindo, Satern, etc.
Table of Contents

Computer Technology
The Annex Humanizing Technology!
Computer Design Microprocessor-based Engineering.
Computing Korea Information Technology News.
Current Technology Computer Technology, Internet / Web.
HotWired Online Version of Wired Magazine.
internetTelephony Telecommunications Technology.
Network Online Resource for the Network Professional.
LAN Times - News and Reviews.
The Networker Technology Magazine from USC.
Table of Contents

Software Development
Dr. Dobb's For Software Professionals.
Java Report The Independent Source for Java Development.
JavaWatch All the Java News in One Stop.
JavaWorld Magazine for the Java Community.
Object Magazine Object Programming.
Roasted Java News Java News Letter - Daily.
Software Development Programmers Magazine.
Web Development? See: Web Development
Table of Contents

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