Your business is like a ship. To keep it on an even keel, you need a server with the right balance of reliability, flexibility and serviceability for your organization. Introducting the NS-7000 workgroup class server. Each is custom built to meet your needs at a great price!
NS Server 7000
 The NS-8000 Series department-class server from Gateway 2000 Major Accounts, Inc. is the perfect system for organizations with big plans but small budgets. Ideal for the mid-size business and departmental enviroments, this reliable mid-range server keeps your network shipshape with advanced fault tolerance capabilities.
NS Server 8000
 Designed to keep your organization's network on-line around the clock, the NS-9000 enterprise-class server delivers the reliability, scalability and manageability you demand with the power of up to six Intel Pentium ® Pro processors and industry-leading fault tolerance capabilities.

For more information or a custom quote on the NS-Series, please call us at:

NS Server 9000

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