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Friday, October 31, 1997

House Computer-Export Bill Says Nyet to Nukes

By Robert Lemos

Manufacturers of high-end workstations may soon have to complete extra paperwork before selling their products overseas.

An amendment to the 1998 Defense Authorization bill that passed in the (more)

Beat Microsoft by Providing the Path of Least Resistance

By Eamonn Sullivan
PC Week Online

The most striking thing about the action taken by the Department of Justice against Microsoft last week isn't its correctness or incorrectness, it's its irrelevance. Even if the conflict is resolved in the DOJ's favor, Microsoft's advantage won't be diminished much.

Netscape, Oracle, IBM, Sun and (more)

Don�t Bet on Net Gambling

By Will Rodger
Inter@ctive Week Online

Efforts to ban online gambling throughout the U.S. got a boost Thursday morning as the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to do just that in a lopsided vote (more)

Year 2000 Bug Experts Warn of Consequences -
By Lisa M. Bowman

The year 2000 bug is like the (more)

How to Secure Your Data without Trying -
By Michael Surkan
PC Week Online

I find myself torn by (more)

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