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Friday, October 31, 1997

Techno Throwdown

Okay, Techies, let's see how you do with this! Scroll to the end for the answers, and remember: no peeking.

Question 1.

Hint 1: I'm a printed circuit board.
Hint 2: I'm usually mounted parallel to the card I support.
Hint 3: I add functionality to another board or card.
Enought hints. What am I?

Question 2.

You quickly throw together some hardware or software to meet a specific need. It's not elegant, but it works. You have just done something called what?

Question 3.

Let's switch subjects. Speaking of switches, what kind of sitch is best to flip for changing a configuration or parameter?

Question 4.

Something is doubly wrong with the following statement. Can you figure out what? A double-density disk is a 5.25" diskette that holds up to 260KB of information or a 3.5" diskette that holds up to 520k.

How's your memory? Let's find out by playing Name That Memory!

Question 5.

This kind of memory is normally used in video boards that boast extended performance with high bandwidth and short access times. Name that memory!

Question 6.

When this kind of RAM loses power, all its little capacitors discharge and it forgets everything. Need another clue? This RAM requires external refresh circuitry and a minimum clock speed to retain its state. Name that memory!

Question 7.

Which memory requires less power than DRAM and retains values as long as the computer has power? It's most often utilized for speed critical areas of the computer, such as cache.


Before we wrap things up, it's time for everyone to file in for these last 3 questions!

Question 8.

Clue 1: This kind of format file is very similar to the .midi format.
Clue 2: The exception is that the instrument patches are stored inside the file and are designed for the FM synthesizer only.
Clue 3: Reread clues 1 and 2.

Question 9.

You probably know that .scr files are your screensaver files, but do you know what directory they're doing their screensaving from?

Question 10.

Files with this extenstion contain messages to your computer on how to run specified programs within it. Is it one of these choices or not?

a) .chk
b) .bat
c) .dir
d) none of the above


1) A daughterboard.
2) A kludge (pronounced like Scrooge).
3) A DIP switch.
4) A 5.25" diskette holds up to 360KB and a 3.5" diskette holds up to 720KB.
5) MDRAM (Multibank Dynamic Random Access Memory).
6) DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory).
7) SRAM (Static Random Access Memory).
8) .cmf (Creative Music Format).
9) Your operating system directory.
10) .bat (Batch file)

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