
Short : Thrust type clone with some great features .
Price : �12.00(not inc postage
Reqs: 1 meg or more.
Author: Bruce Webster (New Zealand)

    Authors description:
  • 1/2 player missions and dogfight levels
  • 15 different ships to buy - all with their own ammo, range, shield, mass, cargo capacity, fuel efficiency, response, engine power, etc.
  • lots of nasty things - chain guns, multi-rocket launchers, dish-guns, radio-guns, etc, etc.
  • shields You can rebound off the walls, take hits, etc.
  • damage After losing all your shield, blinky lights and "Warning" voice may tell you that you have stabiliser damage, fuel blockage, power failure, turbine overheat, launch failure and/or a burst fuel valve. It is difficult to fly your ship by that stage, but it's quite amusing to watch.
  • lots of firepower - some ships can fire 60 bullets per second.
  • homing missiles - you have them, but so does the enemy!
  • deflectors, water, gravitational attractors, fans, teleporters, lifts...
  • various doors, buttons and switches.
  • neat sound effects
  • very nifty side-by-side two-player mode. (instead of skinny rectangles above one another)
  • 60 frames per second screen update
  • decent graphics (for non-AGA at least) - Tested on: A500, A1000, A1200, A2000, A4000...
    Registration gets you a (very nice) level editor, lots of levels, more baddies/traps/features in the game and another game called "Tritus" (also very good). It really is heaps better than the demo, honest.

    FULL VERSION OF R3 COSTS �12.00 and you get the game Tritus free.

    DEMO VERSION OF R3, download it 388K