Who Are We?

We are Steve & Belinda Bye. We were married July 1992 and have a 12 year old son, Andrew and a 3 year old son, Jack. We live in Exeter, a beautiful town in Devon, England. Exeter is an old Roman fortress city and has many relics from that era still visible, such as the city wall. Exeter is perfect for me as it has everything, bustling big city, seaside resorts just ten miles away and rolling countryside all around us. Luvverly Jubillie

UK Map

Our local football team Exeter City F.C, have had a rough time over the last few seasons (well, 6 seasons to be honest) and was close to being bankrupt, but are now shaping up well. Recently Exeter beat Chelsea 2-1 in a friendly.

I (Steve) was born in Waltham Abbey, Essex, but I lived the majority of my life in and around Tottenham, north London. I am a keen Spurs fan, as was all my family and my family before them. I came to Exeter in 1986, where my father ran a Public House, on a family visit and decided to stay(I guess it was the free booze!).

Apart from running F1 full time I dabble in freelance writing for computer mags and pretending I can program.

Belinda is Devonshire born and bred and loves horses and owns an 18 month old Welsh Cob Section D called Samson.

She grew up in a pub called the 'Queen Vic' (as in Eastenders) and the parallels do not end there, many people say I look a little like Lofty from Eastenders! I prefer to be looked more on as a Grant Mitchell with hair:^) since I put a bit of weight on.

Belinda looks after the house, horse and kids and does all the F1 secretarial work as well as voluntery work with the aged & handicapped. F1 could not operate as effeciently as it does without her unflagging support.
Thanks Bel .Heart

If you want to know more, buy the book.Smiley