Keith's Quest, Complete Solution

Download Keith's Quest demo from Aminet Approx 351k

Game Background:

This recent adventure game on 4 disks is proving very popular. The Amiga press loved it and we have had some really nice responses from purchasers. The game took the author (Jasper Byrne) almost 2 years to complete and is completely hand-coded, no GRAC used here. This allowed Jasper to add some splendid inovative touches to his game, such as entertaing sub-games and some very novel twists. If you are a point 'n' click adventure lover and you are sick of the lack of commercial adventures available on the Amiga Keith's Quest will more than satisfy your cravings.

The Complete Solution:

Take oil lamp, take glass sphere, take map.
(Pull chair if you wish for secret room...)
Leave Bob's house, go to Seaview Inne.
Talk to Phantom, ask him where to find Minto, say thankyou.
(He gives you a beermug.)
Go to Pier, talk to guard, ask for his autograph, say,
'Do you come here often' to get the guard card, take
matchbox (behind guard).
Use map, go to Mountain Cave.
Talk to Orcs, offer to take their place, and give them the
guard card when prompted.
Enter cave, talk to Orc Leader, use oil lamp with rack,
take poison potion and mutton leg.
Pull rock (on the right hand side of the screen).
Go through the tunnel.
Talk to Groll, use mutton with poison, use poison with
Groll bowl, take both Groll horns, push button (where
Groll was sitting), take stones then take obscenely large
gem (top left corner of the room).
Talk to hermits, when Second Hermit says "Time is money,
dude.", give him the obscenely large gem.
Go back to Mountain Cave, give Groll horn to Bronder,
go inside then take all four books.
Use map, go to Pier.
Talk to Speck and Span, then go onto ship.
Onboard, take the crowbar.
Back on the pier, talk to fisherman, then give him one of
the Groll horns, then take fish.
Go to the seafront street, and enter Zed's shop,
tell him "I'm on an adventure...", then "I need some gear..."
then give him the three books he asks for.
Go to the Fishmongers, talk to him, give fish to him, then
enter your room. Use Genuine Fake Chrysoberyl Stone with
paint thinners, take wallet.
Go to blacksmith's (go left on seafront street).
Talk to him, and offer him your wallet. Take rope and file.
Give your blunt sickle to him, and he will give you a sharp one.
Go down the alley on the other street.
Go see Jeff, tell him you have a friend that needs chilling
out, then leave.
In the alleyway, either:
1. Pull plug, push plug, use llama invaders then complete it.
(You can try as many times as you wish.)
2. Use crowbar with side slot (tiny zone on the right of the
machine) - this is for cheats only!
Take happy potion.
Go to Witch's hut, talk to her. Talk to her again, then
quickly use happy potion with tarts as she turns her head.
When successful, talk to her again, then go to the field.
Talk to Man. Use rope with man (when he's visible), then
use file with necklace stone.
Use teleport stone.
Talk to signpost, go right.
Talk to three heads, use middle teleport.
Talk to Guardian, look at blue book, give blue book to
Guardian, go left.
Find the lonely flower (it's green and on the right hand
side) and use it with hole, enter door.
Look at file, use file with "O", 7 times (as new "O"'s
appear), take Sword of U.B., leave.
Go down, go right, walk to Zube.
Go to Pier, climb ladder, look at empty flask, use empty
flask with parrot, use crowbar with door, enter cabin.
Take green key (on the left of the door), open drawer,
pull drawer, take white orb, look at bin, take log book
look at log book, take picture, use crowbar with crack
(behind picture), take other key, pull handle, take
amulet, use both keys together, use amulet with orb, leave.
Use map, go to Elven Village, talk to Fuchsia, talk to
Casper then Jasper, say "Can I use your herb garden?",
talk to Jasper again, give him Chrysoberyl stone, go to
herb garden (left hand side).
Use book of herbs with herbs, use sharp sickle with
thorinroot then briarroot.
Go to Jeff's, give him the briarroot, use potion of
sobriety with beermug.
Go to pier, use empty flask with sea.
Go to Looney's tree, offer to get him something, then
give him the beer (beermug of sobriety).
Go to field, use sea potion with mud, use sea and
earth potion with thorinroot.
Look at cave map.
Go to Manikin Cave, use big key with door, enter.
Go the following directions...
Push button (very small!), go through entrance.
Talk to guard, ask to go in, say "Axe" as password,
enter gate.
Push skeleton, take pickaxe, use pickaxe with chalk seam,
enter cave.
Find four gems (they register as "Gem" rather than "gems")
and use the pickaxe on each one, take dragon bone, leave.
Go right, use matchbox with fireplace, use first eye with
fire, then second eye, etc. (all four), finally, use
purple crystal eraser with purple crystal, use ladder.
Go right.
Talk to Schmoo, say "I'm Keith", use dragon bone with his
house, talk to him again, go to town hall.
Use portal, talk to Lord Schmoo, use portal.
Take wheel, then leave Heming and Manikin caves.
Go to Hermit Mountainside, talk to second hermit, go to Minto's castle.
Talk to Fuchsia, pull doormat, take key, open door, walk to door (twice).
You will now get put in jail.
Use teleport stone, take stick, use ladder.
Take odd tin (bottom left of pile), take apple, go up.
Take chicken leg, take bowler hat, take button (on coat).
Go down, go right.
Use button with slot.
Talk to Guybrush, open door.
Take picture of Minto, go left.
Use magic unlock key with middle door, go up.
Use apple with Grildor, look at spellbook, use bowler hat
with cauldron, then chicken leg, then picture, then magic
dust, finally use stick with cauldron, walk to fireplace.
Kill Minto (the trick is to edge forward, blocking when he
fires, then waste him in the corner!)
Sit back and enjoy the end sequence...