Doopsi Game System.

Short : A totally GUI driven Adventure Game Creator.
Price : �18.00 (not inc postage)
Reqs: WB2 or better, Hard drive.
Author: Fabio Retondo

Authors description:

Doopsi-GS means: Dynamical Object Oriented Programming System Interface - Game System. We named our program this way for many reasons: Doopsi remember us of Boopsi, the Object Oriented Intuition System of our beloved Amiga; it's an Object Oriented program in the tecnical meaning of the word, it's a Programming Interface because it simplifies the the programming task making it completely automatic and quick.

This Programming System is very different from other products devoted to the same scope because it is extremely easy to use, even for people that has little programming skill: the user draws all the graphics and supplies all the sounds and musics he needs and then our program puts all things together. The idea that lies under all the inner workings of this program is straightforward: you first define the scenes, then put some objects on them and, at last, you specify how each one of the objects must react when the guy that is playing acts on it (this is the only coding part you have to face). Well, to be sincere there are other parts of the work I've not included in the previous description, but you'll learn them as you get more involved in Doopsi: for example, one of the tasks you have to deal with is to build the path along which the Man walks (the Man with the capital letter is the chief character of the adventure), or another task is to write the dialogs between the Man and some other object, and so on.

Some features of Doopsi:

  • OS sensitive (it works under V37+).
  • AGA compatible.
  • The Editor is completely system friendly.
  • Handles bitmaps bigger than the screen area (with autoscroll).
  • Allows modules and samples to be played during the game.
  • Fully customizable (e.g.: you can also redraw the buttons of the Player).

The Doopsi Game System is made of two independent programs: the Editor and the Player. As their names might suggest, the Editor is the one that builds the adventure, while the Player exploits the datas produced by the Editor to make you play your game. You have to think of the Editor as generating some sort of program and of the Player as an interpreter of such a program: if there occurs any runtime error the Player will prompt you with an error message and, if it can, continue the processing of the game, just as any interpreter of any language would do (well, actual languages can't continue after a runtime error, but we are better and we do!).

There is plenty of support for you with the Doopsi Home page on the Internet and the Doopsi mailing list.